Faculty Members Details

ADENIJI, Ismaeel Aderibigbe
Assistant Lecturer - Computer Science

ADENIJI, Ismaeel Aderibigbe
Assistant Lecturer - Computer Science
Assistant Lecturer
ADENIJI, Ismaeel Aderibigbe
ADENIJI, Ismaeel Aderibigbe holds a B.Sc. in Computer Science from Al-Hikmah University, Ilorin; M.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of Ilorin, Kwara; and currently running Ph.D. at Bayero University, Kano. Adeniji, has Six (6) publications (both national and international) to his credit. He is presently an Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science, School of Science and Information Technology (SSIT), Skyline University Nigeria.
ADENIJI, Ismaeel Aderibigbe worked with Al-Hikmah University for a period of 6 years, as an adjunct Lecturer both in the Diploma Unit and Center for Part-time and Professional studies. He was a System Administrator for electronic examination at Computer-Based Test (CBT)/electronic Test Center (eTC) University of Ilorin for 6 years
- Data mining
- Data Science
- Big Data
- Information Systems
- Artificial Intelligent
- I.A. ADENIJI, Y.K. SAHEED, T.O. OLADELE, J.O. BRAIMAH (2015): Comparative Analysis of Association Rule Mining Techniques for Monitoring Behavioural Patterns of Customers in a Grocery Store. Afr J. of Comp & ICTs. Vol 8, No.3. Pg. 69 – 76.
- Saheed, Y.K., M.A. Hambali, A.A. Adedeji, and I.A. Adeniji, 2016: “Attendance Management System Using Barcode Identification on Students’ Identity Cards”. Pacific Journal of Science and Technology. 17(2): 224 – 230. Vol. 17, No.2: 224 – 230.
- Yakub K. Saheed, Moshood A. Hambali, Ismaeel A. Adeniji and Akeem F. Kadri: “Fingerprint Based Approach for Examination Clearance in Higher Institutions”, FUOYE Journal of Engineering and Technology, Volume 2, Issue 1.
- Yakub Kayode Saheed, Tosho A.U, and Adeniji Ismaeel (2021): “Phishing Website Based on Ensemble Random Forest and Bagging Algorithm”, International Journal of Advances in Applied Sciences. Accepted on June 3rd, 2021.
- Yakub Kayode Saheed, Ismaeel A, Adeniji (2023): “A Novel Adam Optimized LSTM Intrusion Detection for Industrial Internet of Things”, Journal of Information Security and Application, Elsevier (Scopus Index Journal). Oyelakin, A., Salau, I. T., Ogidan, B., Olufadi, H., Yusuf S., & Adeinji, I. (2023): Spam E-mail Detection Scheme Based on Random Forest Algorithm. LAUTECH JOURNAL OF COMPUTING AND INFORMATICS, 3(1), 87 – 97.
26th Annual Colloquium and Congress of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics, Kwara State University, Malete. 3rd – 6th November 2015.
- Member, International Computer Science and Engineering Society (ICSES)
- Member, International Association of Engineers (IAENG)