Skyline University Nigeria

School of Arts, Management & Social Science (SAMSS)​

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B.Sc. International Relations

This course provides a broad introduction to the study of international relations. As a field of study, international relations focuses on the political, military, economic and cultural interactions of state and non-state actors at the global level. The field therefore encompasses a diverse array of topics, from the causes of war to the politics of development, from international institutions to our immediate environments. At the end of this programme, students will develop great insights into foreign affairs, public policies, international development, economic trends, social issues, law, diplomacy work, lobbying, political analysis, international law and intelligence.

  • To equip the students with adequate statistical and quantitative skills and the ability to apply them to the analysis of socio-economic and political issues and policies.
  • To have the knowledge and understanding of political science methods
  • An understanding of how political institutions emerge, how they operate, how they interact with their external environment, and how they shape individual and collective behavior.
  • Understand the fundamental concepts, issues, and theories central to comparative politics and international relations, and be able to explain the similarities and differences between various types of polities and how they affect their behavior.
  • Have a competence in the basic methodology of research and analysis in political science and be able to analyze and formulate effective argumentation about the political world in writing and oral presentation, making use of that competence.
  • Enable to describe and explain political theory, political systems around the world, and politics in the international arena.
  • To stimulate the students intellectually through the programme in such ways that they appreciate and learn to handle socio-political problems.
  • To provide a solid foundation of knowledge about the working of society and its institutions, and develop the skills for the constructive use of such knowledge.
  •  Develop in students the ability to apply knowledge to the resolution of societal problems and conflicts.
  • To develop students’ skills for competency in becoming entrepreneurial and self-reliant.
  • Provide the students with relevant knowledge and a skill-base that triggers their competence to proceed for higher studies in political science and international relations
  • Imbue students with deep sense of appreciation for the political dynamics of society and its impact on socio-economic development and societal wellbeing.

B. Sc. International Relations  – 4 YEAR Curriculum Plan

Sl. NoCourse CodeCourse TitleUnitsCategoryLecture (hours)Practical (hours)
SEMESTER 1 Level 100
1GST1211English Communication I2GST30
2GST1213Use of Library, Study Skills and ICT2GST30
3GST1215Nigerian People and Culture2GST30
4PSY1313Introduction to Psychology3Core45
5POL1311Introduction to Political Science3Core45
6POL1313Introduction to African Politics3Core45
7SOC1311Introduction to Sociology3Core45
Level 100 SEMESTER 2
1GST1222Communication in French2GST30
2GST1224Logical Critical Thinking & Problem Solving2GST30
3GST1226Introduction to Entrepreneurship2GST30
4ACC1322Research Methodology3Core45
5POL1322Nigerian Government & Politics3Core45
6PCR1322Peace and Conflict Resolution3Core45
7POL1324Introduction to International Relations3Core45
SEMESTER 3 Level 200
1GST2211English Communication II2GST30
2GST2213Leadership Skills2GST30
3GST2215Core Life Skills & Happiness2GST30
4GST2317Environment and Sustainable development3GST45
5POL2311History of Political thought3Core45
6POL2313Foundations of Political Economy3Core45
7IRS2311Nigerian Foreign Policy3Core45
SEMESTER 4 Level 200
1IRS2322History of Europe till World War II3Required45
2IRS2324Elements of Contemporary Global Studies3Required45
3IRS2326New States In World Politics3Required45
4IRS2328Theories of International Relations3Required45
6IRS2342International Politics of Africa3Required45
SEMESTER 5 Level 300
1IRS3699SIWES(Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme) / Industrial Attachment / Project6
SEMESTER 6 Level 300
1IRS3322Foreign Policy Analysis3Required45
2IRS3324Race and Ethnicity in International Relations3Required45
3IRS3326Intentional Politics in the Post-Cold War Era3Required45
4IRS3328International Economic Relations3Required45
5IRS3340Africa and the Middle East3Required45
6IRS3342Law of Nations3Required45
7IRS3344The International Political System3Required45
SEMESTER 7 Level 400
1IRS4313Asia in World Politics3Required45
2IRS4315International Relations in Southern Africa & North Africa3Required45
3IRS4317Europe in World Politics3Required45
4IRS4319The Middle East in World Politics3Required45
5Elective 1345
6Elective 2345
SEMESTER 8 Level 400
1IRS4326Foreign Policies of the Powers3Required45
2IRS4328Contemporary Strategic Studies3Required45
3IRS4340Human Rights3Required45
4POL4326International Institutions3Core45
5IRS4342Technology, Ecology and Environmental Issues in International Relations3Required45
Total Credits for Programme1321,890
Project / Internship / SIWES ( Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme)
Course CodeCourse TitleUnitsCategoryLecture (hours)Practical (hours)
IRS3699SIWES / Industrial Attachment / Project6
Options for Elective 1 & 2
Course CodeCourse TitleUnitsCategoryLecture (hours)Practical (hours)
POL4335World Peace Origination3Elective45
IRS4331Contemporary International System3Elective45
IRS4333Political analysis & International Society3Elective45
BUA4335International Management3Elective45