Faculty Members Details

Dr. A. Senthil Kumar
Dean – SSIT and Associate Professor senthil.kumar@sun.edu.ng

Dr. A. Senthil Kumar
Dean – SSIT and Associate Professor senthil.kumar@sun.edu.ng
Dean – SSIT and Associate Professor
- Email:senthil.kumar@sun.edu.ng
Dr. A. Senthil Kumar, Ph.D.
Dr. A. Senthil Kumar is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and the current Dean of the School of Science and Information Technology (SSIT) in Skyline University Nigeria. He has completed his Ph.D. in Computer Applications in June 2017 from Manonmaniam Sundarnar University, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India. He has also acquired Postgraduate MCA and M.Phil from Bharathidasan University, Trichirapalli, Tamil Nadu, India. In addition, he has additional qualifications M.E in Computer Science Engineering from Anna University, and MBA (Systems) from Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, India.
He has 19+ years of experience in teaching, training, research and administration in Indian universities. His experience in academic works covers the areas of NAAC, ISO, and NBA. He has produced 10 M.Phil Research scholars and guided 6 Ph.D. Scholars and also done many extension activities through national service schemes in India. He has been involved in organizing many research activities such as Webinars, FDPs, Workshops, and International Conferences. He had the responsibilities of Research Coordinator, NSS Programmeme Officer, NAAC Criteria In-charge in Indian colleges.
He has multi-disciplinary research interests on Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Networks, Software Engineering, and Data Analytics, etc., He has published more than 10 international Scopus and web of science indexed Journal publications and UGC-recognized journals in his credit.
He has presented papers in National and International conferences, contributed and published papers in peer-reviewed journals. He established IRINS Network and R & D committee at the institution level and guided the faculty members to get major and minor research projects.
He got many outstanding awards such as NSS by Sankara College of Science and Commerce, 2016, Young best faculty award by Novel Research Academy, Puducherry, Best Professor award by PARA , Puducheery, and Kalvi semmal award by Pasumai vassal foundation and trust. He is an active journal reviewer in Web of Science indexed journal IJST and Scopus Indexed journal IJCNA.
List of Publications
• A.Senthilkumar and N.Palanisamy, Challenges for Web Mining, IEEE EXPLORE,978-1-4244-3594-4, doi:10.1109/ICCCNET.2008.4787768.
• A.Senthilkumar and Dr.V.Muralibhaskaran, Recent trends and techniques in textile industry mining-A study in Karur district,International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 3(9), 2012, 2229-5518.
• A.Senthilkumar and Dr.V.Muralibhaskaran ‘A study on Knowledge Discovery in Indian Textile Industry based on Cloud Computing’. IEEE Explore, 200-204,978-1-4673-4415-9 doi:10.1109/ICCCTAM.2012.6488098
• A.Senthilkumar and Dr.V.Muralibhaskaran ‘Multidirectional Product support system for decision making in textile industry using collaborative filtering methods’. International Journal of Engineering Science and Innovative Technology (IJESIT), 2(5),2319-5967.
• A.Senthilkumar and Dr.V.Muralibhaskaran ‘Multidirectional Product support system for decision making in textile industry using collaborative filtering methods’. IOSR-Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE),14(2), 2013,13-16,2278-8727.
• A.Senthilkumar and Dr.V.Muralibhaskaran ‘Multidirectional Product support system for decision making in textile industry using collaborative filtering methods’. International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), 79(7), 2013, 0975-8887.
• A.Senthilkumar and Dr.V.Muralibhaskaran ‘Multidirectional Product Decision Support System for User Activation Assessment in Textile Industry Using Collaborative Filtering Methods’, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research(IJAER),10(20), 2015.(Scopus Indexed Journal)
• Dr.A.Senthilkumar and K.Soniya ‘A basic Study on Cloud Computing’ in International Journal of Computer Engineering-IOSR (UGC) Approved Journal in special issue Volume 1, January 2018.
• Dr.A.Senthilkumar and P.Arun ‘A Survey on Agriculture Analysis for Crop Yield Prediction Using Data Mining Techniques’ in International Journal of Computer Engineering-IOSR (UGC) Approved Journal in special issue Volume 1, January 2018.
• Dr.A.Senthilkumar and P.Arun ‘Discovery of Agricultural Patterns Using Parallel Hybrid Clustering Paradigm’ in International Journal of Computer Engineering-IOSR (UGC) Approved Journal in special issue Volume 2, January 2019.
• Dr.A.Senthilkumar ‘Product Assessment Rating Scale and Its Benefits in Various Mixed Domains Paradigm’ in International Journal of Computer Engineering-IOSR (UGC) Approved Journal in special issue Volume 2, January 2019.
• Dr.A.Senthilkumar ‘Multidirectional Decision Support Assessment Scheme in Textile Industry Using MDCF Techniques’ in International Journal of Computer Engineering-IOSR (UGC) Approved Journal in special issue Volume 7, January 2019.
• Dr.A.Senthilkumar and K.Soniya Fast and Secure Packet Scheduling with Packet Level Redundancy Elimination in Dynamics Mobile Networks published in International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering,Volume 8,Issue 4 November 2019.(Scopus Indexed Journal)
• Dr.A.Senthilkumar and R.Jayakumar, A Survey on Fashion Prediction Analysis Using Artificial Intelligence" published in Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, in May 2021(Scopus Indexed Journal)
• Dr.A.Senthilkumar and M.Rajalakshmi, Enhanced Research of Sentiment Analysis Techniques In Social Media Content, published in Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, in May 2021(Scopus Indexed Journal)
Papers Presented in Conferences
International Conferences
• ‘An Enhanced Multidirectional Decision Making System for User Assessment using MDCF techniques in International Conference’ at Sankara College of Science and Commerce, on 10th October 2018.
• ‘A Basic study on Cloud Computing’ at Sankara College of Science and Commerce on 12th October 2017.
• ‘Multidirectional Decision Making System for User Assessment using MDCF techniques in International Conference’ at Rathinam College of Arts and Science, on 23rd September 2017.
• ‘Multidirectional Product Design Support System for User Activation Assessment in Textile Industry Using Collaborative Filtering Methods in DRDO’ Sponsored 2nd IEEE international Conference on Innovations in Information, Embedded an Communication Systems on 19th and 20th March 2015 at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore.
• ‘Multidirectional Product Support System for Decision Making in Textile Industry Using Collaborative Filtering Methods’ at Paavai Engineering College, Namakkal held on 9th and 10th May 2014.
• ‘Multidirectional Product System for Decision Making in Textile Industry Using Collaborative Filtering Methods in the International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Electronics and Communication Engineering’ at Penang, Malaysia December 16-17, 2013.
• ‘Multidirectional Product System for Decision Making in Textile Industry Using Collaborative Filtering Methods’ at AMS Engineering College, Namakkal held on 25th October 2013.
• ‘Multidirectional Product support system for decision making in textile industry using collaborative filtering methods’ at International Conference on 19th October 2013 at Brahma School of Business, Namakkal.
• ‘A study on Knowledge Discovery in Indian Textile Industry based on Cloud Computing’ on 8th and 10th December 2012 at the International Conference at BITS-PILANI, Dubai campus at Dubai.
• ‘Role of data mining in Business Areas’ on 14th September 2012 at the International Conference at AMS Engineering College, Namakkal.
• ‘Knowledge sharing in online Education in the International Conference on Innovative Practices in Management’ organized by Department of Management Studies, Paavai Engineering College on 31st December 2009.
• ‘Data Mining for Library Professionals’ on 6th and 7th February 2009 in International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore.
• ‘Challenges for Web Mining’ on 18th December 2008 in International Conference for Computing, Communication and Networking at Chettinad College of Engineering and Technology,Karur.
National Conferences
• ‘A Decision Support System for Textile Industries Using Collaborative Filtering Methods’ on 13th September 2012 at SRM University, Chennai.
• ‘Challenges in web mining’ on 27th September 2011 at Anna University of Technology,Trichy
• Wireless Network ‘Roaming and Channel Interference’ on 26th February 2010 at Muthayammal College of Arts and Science, Namakkal.
• Presented Paper on The Role of Routing in Mobile Ad-HOC Networks at Selvam College of Tecnology, Namakkal held on 26th February 2010.
• Presented paper on Online Learning and Teaching at SRM University, Chennai held on 13th March 2009.
• Presented paper on Web Mining: An Effective Management of societal benefits areas on 27th and 28th March 2009 at Paavai Engineering College, Namakkal.
• Presented paper on Security in Wireless LAN in the National Conference on Computing communication and Information Systems at Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore held on 13th and 14th February 2009.
• Presented paper on Challenges and the future of mobile learning in the National Conference on Cryptography and Network Security organized by School of Computing Science, VIT University on 18th and 19th February 2009 at VIT University Vellore.
• Presented paper on Enhancing Learner’s Cognitive skills through Multimedia Design on 13th and 14th March 2008 in National Conference on English to Excel at SRM University, Chennai.
• Presented paper on A Revised study on Knowledge Discovery in Indian Textile Industry based on Cloud Computing’ in National Conference on 13th February 2019 at Sri Krishna College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore.
Resource Person for FDPs and other Programmemes
• Organized and acted as Organizing Secretary of International Conference on ICNGCT 2017,ICCIDS 2018 held at Sankara College of Arts and Science on 12th October 2017 and 10th October 2018.
• Organized four Residential Camps at Kunnathur Village near Kovilpalayam and conducted more than 100 Regular activities in and out of the college.
• Organizing Secretary of one day National Level workshop on IPR conducted at 21st July 2018 at Sankara College of Science and Commerce.
• Acted as a Resource person for 7 days NSS Camp on Fit India Moment organized by Rathinam College of Arts and Science on 26-02-2020 at Sokkanur Village.
• Organized Online Quiz competition on C Programmeming for Computer Science and BCA students jointly associated with IIT,Kanpur on 29-02-2020 at Sankara College Premises.
• Organizing Secretary of Two Days Online Virtual Conference conducted at Sankara Virtual Campus on May 29th and 30th 2020.
• Acted as a Resource Person for NSS Day Celebrations in the topic of “Swatchh Bharat and Fit India Moment” on 24thSepetember, organized by Pioneer College of Arts and Science.
Professional Affiliations and Other Academic Activities
He is the active Life Time Member of Indian Society of Technical Education(ISTE), and Member in International Multi Conference of Engineers and Computer Scientists (IMCECS), Member of Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors(IRED), Member of American Society for Research(ASR), Active Reviewer of member of Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Active Review member of Indian Journal of Science and Technology(Web of Science), Active Review member in Scopus indexed journal IJCNA. Active Jury member in Panicker Foundation,Kerala for National level competitions.
Academic Id & Research Identity
• Vidwan Id: https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/profile/105698
• Orcid id : http://www.orcid.org/0000-0002-7088-3131
• Scopus Id 57211027407
• Researcher Id AAH-8780-2020
• Google Scholar Id jaXraxMAAAAJ
• Microsoft Academic Search Id 2183759787