Skyline University Nigeria

Faculty Members Details​

Dr. Isa Usman Lawal

Ph.D. Dean – SBMS

Dr. Isa Usman Lawal

Dr. Isa Usman Lawal is an Associate Professor in the Department of Physiotherapy and the current Dean of School Basic Medical Science (SBMS), Skyline University, Nigeria. He obtained a PhD. in Physiotherapy from the University of the Western Cape (South Africa), MSc. in Exercise and Sports Sciences, and BSc. Physiotherapy both from Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria. He specializes in Neurological physiotherapy and has delivered several academic papers in neurological physiotherapy and other physiotherapy interventions.

He has about 20 years of experience in academic teaching, research in diverse areas of physiotherapy and has held several academic leadership positions in Bayero University including Head of Department of Physiotherapy, Departmental examination officer, Faculty postgraduate coordinator, Chairman Adhoc Committee on Professional Accreditation for Physiotherapy sciences. He was a writing coach and statistics tutor under the School of Postgraduate Studies University of the Western Cape during his Doctoral degree. He has participated in curriculum development and for some undergraduate and postgraduate Programmemes in the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences Bayero University, Kano. Other roles and responsibilities he has held in academic leadership earlier are:
• Faculty representation at the School of Postgraduate Studies
• Acting Chairman Faculty of Medicine, E-Library Development Committee
• Examination Officer Department of Physiotherapy
• Undergraduate Research/Seminar Coordinator
• Membership of Faculty of Medicine Research Committee
• Member governing council IQRA group of schools
• Member Physiotherapy Consortium of Nigeria

Publications and Research experience

He has written widely in many reputable peer-review journals. His research is centered largely on neurological physiotherapy with a mix of other areas of physiotherapy, and neurosciences. His research revolves around all demographic groups within the hospital and community settings. He has published about 30 academic articles with more than 15 in international journals. He has attended many conferences, involving local and international scholarly conferences.

His research interests are in te areas of Rehabilitation of neurological conditions, Geriatric physiotherapy, Exercise and wellness, Chronic diseases of lifestyle as well as Education in Health Sciences. See publications.
1. Abdullahi, A., Bala, A. S., Danazumi, S. M., Abubakar, S. M., Adamu, R. I., Truijen, S., Zakari, M. S., Akosile, C. O., Saeys, W., Lawal, I. U., Etoom, M., Nuhu, J. M., Oyeniran, M. A., Mayana, K. I., & Useh, U. (2021). Determination of hand grip strength and its correlates during pregnancy: a cross-sectional study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 21(1), 1-13,
2. Lawal, I. U., Usman, A. G., Salihu, A. T., Bello, U. M., Chutiyami, M., & Salihu , D. (2021). Effectiveness of an Integrated Education for Self-Management in Stroke Rehabilitation in North-east Nigeria: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Pakistan Journal of Medical Research, 60(1), 12-19,
3. Aliyu, S. U., Hanif, S. M., & Lawal, I. U. (2021). Effect of Paula exercise method on functional outcomes of women with post fistula repair incontinence: a protocol for randomized controlled trial. BMC Women's Health, 21(1), 1-9.
4. Lawal, I. U., Ibrahim, R., & Ramphoma, K. J. (2020). Oral hygiene in stroke survivors undergoing rehabilitation: does upper extremity motor function matters? Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, 28:7, 531- 536,
DOI: 10.1080/10749357.2020.1845013
5. Lawal, I. U., Ali, M. Y., & Badaru, U. M. (2020). Perceived social support and social constraints in Hausa women stroke survivors: A cross-sectional study. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, 27:8, 636-642, DOI: 10.1080/10749357.2020.1757346
6. Badaru, U. M., Laminu, A, Nuhu, J. M., Ahmad, R. Y., & Lawal, I. U. (2020). Prevalence and Risk Factors of Young Adult Stroke: A Five-Year Retrospective Study in Physiotherapy Clinics in Kano, North Western, Nigeria. Bayero Evidence Based Physiotherapy; 6(1): 395-403.
7. Badaru, U. M., Abdulrahman, H., Ahmad, R. Y., Lawal, I. U., & Zakari, M. K. (2019). Analysis of direct monthly cost of outpatient hospital-Based Care for Children with Cerebral Palsy in Kano, Nigeria. Value in Health Regional Issues, 19, 145-150,
8. Badaru, U. M., Ahmad, B. S. F. R. Y., Lawal, I. U., & Usman, O. O. O. J. S. (2019). Influence of Duration of Caregiving on the Burden and Quality of Life of Informal Caregivers of Stroke Survivors. International Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy, 13(3), 171. DOI Number: 10.5958/0973-5674.2019.00114.X
9. Yakasai, A. M., Danazumi, M. S., Zakari, U. U., Lawal, I. U., Abdullahi, A., & Shehu, U. T. (2020). Knowledge and current practices of physiotherapists on the physical activity and exercise in the rehabilitation of children with epileptic seizures. Epilepsy & Behavior, 104, 106891,
10. Badaru, U. M., Yakubu, M., Lawal, I. U., Ahmad, R. Y., and Abba, M. A. (2019). Profile of In-Patient Paediatric Conditions Managed by Physiotherapists in Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital: A 3-Month Prospective. Bayero Journal of Nursing and Health Care, 1(2), 186 – 196.
11. Lawal, I. U., Ibrahim, R., & Ramphoma, K. J. (2019). Demographic correlates of oral hygiene among stroke survivors undergoing rehabilitation. South African Dental Journal, 74(7), 364-369,
12. Badaru, U. M., Ma’aruf, I. S., Ahmad, R. Y., Lawal, I. U., & Usman, J. S. (2019). Prevalence and pattern of paediatric neurological disorders managed in outpatient physiotherapy clinics in Kano. Bayero Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 12(2), 201-206, DOI: 10.4314/bajopas.v12i2.30
13. Elloker, T., Rhoda, A., Arowoiya, A., & Lawal, I. U. (2019). Factors predicting community participation in patients living with stroke, in the Western Cape, South Africa. Disability and Rehabilitation, 41:22, 2640-2647, DOI: 10.1080/09638288.2018.1473509
14. Balogun, W. O., Uloko, A. E., Ipadeola, A., Enang, O., Adamu, A. N., Mubi, B. M., Okafor, C. I., Odeniyi, I., Lawal, I. U., Adeleye, J. O., & Fasanmade, O. A. (2018). Prevalence of obesity and ethno-geographic variation in body sizes of Nigerians with type 2 diabetes mellitus-a multi-centre study. Nigerian Journal of Medicine, 27(1), 69-77, DOI: 10.4103/1115-2613.278232
15. Joseph, C., Conradsson, D., Hagströmer, M., Lawal, I., & Rhoda, A. (2017). Objectively assessed physical activity and associated factors of sedentary behavior among survivors of stroke living in Cape Town, South Africa. Disability and Rehabilitation, 40:21, 2509-2515, DOI: 10.1080/09638288.2017.1338761
16. Gadanya, M. A., Ahmad, R. Y., Abdullahi, I., & Lawal, I. U. (2017). A 24-hour assessment of lifestyle constraint in stroke survivors: A six patient case-based study. Nigerian Journal of Basic and Clinical Sciences, 14(2), 109,
DOI: 10.4103/njbcs.njbcs_5_17
17. Badaru, U. M., Lawal, I. U., & Muhammad, A. U. (2017). Pattern of neurologic, orthopaedic and soft tissue injuries sustained in commercial motorcycle accidents in Kano metropolis. Archives of Physiotherapy & Global Researches, 21(3), 47-52.
18. Lawal, I. U., Hillier, S. L., Hamzat, T. K., & Rhoda, A. (2015). Effectiveness of a structured circuit class therapy model in stroke rehabilitation: a protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMC Neurology, 15(1), 88,
19. Badamasi, I. M., & Lawal, I. U. (2015). Post chronic cigarette smoke exposure and assessment of learning, memory and asymptomatic level of performance in Wistar rats. Bayero Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 8(2), 46-57, DOI: 10.4314/bajopas.v8i2.10
20. Abiola, T., Lawal, I., & Habib, Z. G. (2015). Psychological distress due to academic stress among clinical students in a Nigerian tertiary institution: Comparison between medical and physiotherapy students. Nigerian Journal of Basic and Clinical Sciences, 12(2), 81, DOI: 10.4103/0331-8540.169298
21. Ahmad, R. Y., Abubakar, H. M., Lawal, I. U., Rufa’i, A. A. (2015). Assessment of upper limb muscle synergy in people with stroke. Bayero Journal of Evidence Based Physiotherapy, 1 (1), 1-8.
22. Lawal, I., Abubakar, A., Rufa'i, A., & Mukadas, A. (2014). Blood pressure and heart rate adjustment following acute Frenkel’s ambulatory exercise in chronic hemiparetics stroke survivors: a comparative study. African Health Sciences, 14(4), 906-912, DOI: 10.4314/ahs.v14i4.19
23. Hanif, S., Salim, A. R., Lamina, S. Lawal, I. U. (2011). Comparison of the effect of laser therapy and therapeutic ultrasound in the management of chronic osteoarthritis knee pain. A randomized controlled trial. Nigerian Journal of Medical Rehabilitation, 15(1.2), 1-5,
24. Laitan, S. A., Shmaila, H., Sikiru, L., & Lawal, I. U. (2010). Correlates of selected indices of physical fitness and duration of incarceration among inmates in some selected Nigeria prisons. Ethiopian journal of health sciences, 20(1), 65-69, DOI: 10.4314/ejhs.v20i1.69430
25. Salim, A. R., Hanif, S., Lamina, S., & Lawal, I. U. (2009). Efficacy of therapeutic ultrasound and exercise therapy in the management of osteoarthritis of knee joint. Nigerian Journal of Orthopaedics and Trauma, 8(2), DOI: 10.4314/njotra.v8i2.48300
26. Lawal, I. U., Tahir, S. A., & Ahmad, R. Y. (2009). Prevalence of Low Back Pain Complaints among Commercial Motorcyclists in Kano, NorthWest, Nigeria. Nigerian Medical Practitioner, 56(1-2), 19-23. DOI: 10.4314/nmp.v56i1-2.49249
27. Ajiya, J. L., Lawal, I. U., & Musa, D. I. (2010). Eight weeks jogging exercise exhibit minimal to no impact on blood pressure and heart rate of black African adolescents. Journal of Research in Health and Sports Sciences. 10 (1), 165-169.
28. Hanif, S., Salim, A. R., Lamina, S., Lawal. I. U. & Akinwale, S. G. (2011). Therapeutic Efficacy of Exercise and Laser Therapy in the Symptomatic Management of Osteoarthritis of the knee joint. Tropical Journal of Health Sciences, 18(1), DOI: 10.4314/tjhc.v18i1.64479
29. Sarafadeen R., Musa A, Mukadas, A. O, & Lawal, I. U. (2016). Cardiovascular response to crutch walking in patients with Ilizarov device. Bayero Journal of Evidence Based Physiotherapy, 2 (1), 107-116.
30. Suleiman, A. O., Hanif, S., Lamina, S., & Lawal, I. U. (2012). Evaluation Of Cardiorespiratory Fitness Of Inmates In Kano Metropolis Prisons. Tropical Journal of Health Sciences, 19(1).
31. Lawal, I. U., & Abdullahi, A. T. (2008). Exercise: A poorly recognisd treatment adjunct in mental health. Nigerian Medical Practitioner, 53(4), 52-56. DOI: 10.4314/nmp.v53i4.28930

1. 11th World Stroke Congress (WSC 2018), Montreal, Canada, 17th - 20th October, 2018. Topic: Effectiveness of community-based education Programmeme on quality of life and selected clinical outcomes of stroke survivors: a randomized controlled trial
2. 10th World Stroke Congress (WSC 2016), Hyderabad, India, 26-29 October, 2016. Topic: Augmented duration of circuit class therapy in the rehabilitation of muscle strength and spasticity post stroke: a randomized controlled trial (Poster presentation). University of the Western Cape Community and Health Sciences Faculty research day: Platform presentation 2015. Also presented the topic: Effectiveness of augmented duration of structured circuit class therapy on upper extremity function: a randomized controlled trial (Platform presentation)
3. WCPT Congress 2015, Singapore, from 1st – 4th May 2015.Topic: Effectiveness of augmenting therapy time in circuit class therapy on mobility of upper/lower extremity post stroke: a randomized pilot study (Platform presentation).
4. The 4th Asia-Oceanian Conference of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 2014 (AOCPRM 2014), December 11-13, 2014. Topic: Effectiveness of Short Term Intensive Structured Circuit Class Therapy (ISCCT) on Upper and Lower Extremity Function Post Stroke: a Randomized Pilot Study (Platform presentation).
5. 54th Annual Scientific Conference/General meeting, Nigeria Society of Physiotherapy, November, 2014
6. 9th Biennial World Confederation of Physiotherapy-Africa, Nairobi, Kenya, June, 2012
7. 52nd Annual Scientific Conference/General meeting, Nigeria Society of Physiotherapy, October, 2012
8. 47th Annual Scientific Conference/Workshop of Nigerian Society of Physiotherapy, Abuja, Nigeria, October, 2007
9. 10th Annual Scientific Conference of Society for the Study of Pain, Ibadan, Nigeria July, 2007
10. 17th National Conference of Nigeria Association of Sports Science and Medicine, Ilorin, Nigeria, November/December, 2007
11. 1st International Neuroscience Conference/Advanced School and Forum of the Institute of Neuroscience and Biomedical Research (INBR), Owerri, Imo state, Nigeria, July, 2006
12. National Conference/Workshop, The Nigerian School Health Association, Niger state college of Education, Nigeria, November/December, 2005

He has held positions and membership of professional bodies including Certified Member, Medical Rehabilitation Therapists Board, Certified Member, Nigerian Society of Physiotherapy, Certified Member, Society for the Study of Pain, Nigeria and, Executive Member Physiotherapy Consortium of Nigeria

• Orcid id : 0000-0002-2790-5403 

• Researcher Id AFF-7989-2022

• Google Scholar Id nu9ZXGwAAAAJ

•Research Gate:Isa Usman Lawal

Scopus Id: 56685275900