Faculty Members Details

Samimu Umar
Senior Lecturer – Masscommunications saminu.umar@sun.edu.ng

Samimu Umar
Senior Lecturer – Masscommunications saminu.umar@sun.edu.ng
Assistant Lecturer
Dr. Samimu Umar
Dr. Saminu Umar is a lecturer 1 in the Department of Mass Communication, at Skyline University Nigeria. He obtains a Ph.D. in Mass Communication from SRM University India, an M.A. in Journalism and Mass Communication, and a B.Sc. in Mass Communication both from Bayero University Kano (B.U.K). Umar also acquired many certification courses in Advertising, Public Relations, Journalism, Management, and entrepreneurship. He is also a passionate political analyst which is fueled by his expertise in the communication discipline.
- Level one Coordinator (B.U.K) Feb. 10th, 2016 – Feb. 1st, 2023.
- Secretary, Faculty Sports Committee (B.U.K.) 11th Oct. 2017 – Dec. 2022.
- Mass Communication Students’ Association Coordinator 13th Jun. 2018 – Jan. 2023.
- Member, Faculty Students’ Welfare Committee 6th Apr. 2018 – Feb. 1st, 2023.
- Representative, Faculty of Communication to ASUU (B.U.K) 29th Nov. 2018 – Feb. 1st, 2023.
- Sub-Dean (Facilities) 18th March 2022 – Feb. 1st, 2023
- 6Member University Environment Committee, Community Services 26th March 2022 – Feb. 1st, 2023
Multimedia, development communication, Public Relations and Advertising.
- Combating Type-2 Diabetes in Urban India through “Interactive Media” at the SRM University research competition (which won a Gold medal) in March 2015. This paper was published in the proceedings of the international seminar on social networking and its impact on communication, held at the Department of Visual Communication, Viashnab College, Chennai India.
- The Role Of Social Media In Creating Job-Awareness Among University Graduating Students In Southern India, in March 2015. This paper was also published in the proceedings of the international seminar on social networking and its impact on communication, held at the Department of Visual Communication, Viashnab College, Chennai India.
- Corporate Recruitment in Changing Media Landscape: A Conceptual Analysis of Usage of Social Networking Sites among Employers and Job Seekers in Nigeria. This paper was published in Bayero Journal of Communication, Volume 1 No. 3, August 2019.
- Communication Discourse and Young People Likeness in Environmental Values in Nigeria (joint publication), Journal of faculty of Communication, 2022 (in view).
Social Networking Recruitment in Nigeria: An analysis of the Employers Perspective.
- Combating Type-2 Diabetes in Urban India through “Interactive Media” at the SRM University research competition (which won a Gold medal), in March 2015.
- The role of Social Media in creating Job-awareness among University graduating students in Southern India, at the international conference on “Social networking and its Impact on communication” at Viashnab College, Chennai India, in March 2015.
- Corporate Recruitment in Changing Media Landscape: A Conceptual Analysis of Usage of Social Networking Sites among Employers and Job Seekers in Nigeria” at ACCE 19th National Conference NIPPS (Jos Nigeria), in December 2017.
- Viewership of European football leagues and its impact on cultural nationalism: A perceptual analysis of viewers and selected stakeholders in Nigeria at MICA 5th International Communication Management Conference, in January 2018.
- Attended the 5th National Annual Conference of ACSPN, Themed: “Hate Speech, Fake News and Political Stability in Africa” (Asaba, Nigeria), September 5th – 6th, 2018.
- Digital Media, civic engagement and domestic violence in northern Nigeria: “towards understanding the matrix of emerging terror in Hausa-Muslim family system”, at the ACCE 21st International Conference/Annual General Meeting (AGM), NOUN Abuja, 2019.
- ACSPN Annual Conference, Themed: “National Interest, Freedom of Expression and Governance in Africa”, September 4th – 5th, 2019.
- One-Day postgraduate students’ colloquium on communication and media research in the Muslim world, organized by the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) on September 22nd, 2019.
- Two-Day Workshop on Mainstreaming The Teaching Of Investigative & Data Driven Journalism As A Tool For Fighting Corruption In Mass Communication Training In Nigeria, August 7th – 8th, 2021.
- Two-Day Workshop on Mainstreaming Of The Teaching And Research Of Indigenous Languages In Communication Studies In Nigerian Universities, at Green Dessert Kano, on October 26th, 2021.
- Principal participant in the development of indigenous language broadcasting in Nigeria at DBS, Kano; organized by the Faculty of Communication, Bayero University Kano, on 23rd – 24th June 2021.
- Principal participant in the review of information, education and communication (IEC) materials and products for the PEWASH Programme organized by the Federal Ministry of Water Resources, 14th – 15th May 2019.
Gold medallist and winner of the best paper presenter in March 2015, during the SRM University research competition (SRM Research Day) with the paper “Combating Type-2 Diabetes in Urian India through Interactive Media”.
- Nigerian Council for Management Development (NCMD)
- Advertising Practitioners’ Council Of Nigeria (APCON)
- African Council for Communication Education (ACCE)
- Association of Communication Scholars & Professionals of Nigeria (ACSPN).
- Google Scholar Id: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=obMpcx0AAAAJ&hl=en
- Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/saminu-umar