Big data is a well-known term that refers to the exponential growth and availability of structured and unstructured data. It is the process of collecting and organizing massive data sets that encompass a range of data, known as big data analytics. Big data is therefore described as data that is more diverse, arrives in greater volumes, and moves faster. In Simple words, big data refers to huge, more complicated data sets, particularly those derived from new data resources. Due to the size of these data sets, traditional data processing systems are incapable of handling them.
Data are quantities, characters, or symbols that can be stored and conveyed as electrical signals and recorded on magnetic, optical, or mechanical media and on which a computer conducts operations. Big data, on the other hand, is data that is so massive and complicated that no typical data management solutions can effectively store or process it. Regular data is comparable to big data, however, it is considerably larger.
Every day, 600+ terabytes of newly generated data are absorbed into the Facebook databases, according to the statistic. Photo and video submissions, chat conversations, and comments are the primary sources of this data. For example, a single Jet engine can generate 10+terabytes of data in 30 minutes of flight time. With thousands of flights every day, data production can approach petabyte levels. Here are some of the benefits of big data.
Big data helps provide solutions to hard questions in business
In whatever capacity, big data is one of the best ways to strategize solutions to the tough challenges facing businesses. The more you know about your business history, the more you will be able to learn from it and proffer solutions to make improvements. With big data, you have the information and clues necessary to understand exactly where, when, and how your business is changing.
Anyone can Assess it
The cabinet system of searching for files is messy and time-consuming. Since big data relies on a technological infrastructure to capture, store and manage information, it’s much easier to find what you’re looking for. Through browsers like google safari, chrome, etc anyone with internet access can assess it for productive utilization in whatever business capacity.
It saves time
The key to efficiency in business is your data. These data can provide an insight into the numbers of increased business of different items sold, including the customer persona, preference, age, and sex that can be preserved for future business. This system can ultimately cut down costs and relieve pressure from the Marketing team. If the data is traditionally sorted, it can take weeks if not months to sort and transcribed. An analytics Programme will automate a lot of this tedious work and the luxury of digital information makes accessing data quick and easy, which can save you money in the long run
- Ashok Kumar, Dr. I. Laurence Aroquiaraj “Survey on Big Data: Issues, Challenges, and Tools. International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology Engineering Science and Technology (IJARBEST) Vol. 2, Special Issue 10, March 2016.
Dr. M. Ashok Kumar is a Lecturer I in the Department of Computer Science, Skyline University Nigeria. He has a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Periyar University, India.
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