Skyline University Nigeria

Useful Tricks & Career Opportunities for Every Computer Science Students

Computer science is one of the very popular major course/degree Programmeme among global students. There are several bases that computer science is very popular, including outstanding career security, especially high paid salaries, and also assorted job opportunities across various industries. In Skyline University Nigeria, we exclusively concentrate on these tricks for computer science student’s growth. Here are a few useful tricks to keep in mind to be an unbeaten Computer Science student.

  1. Focal point on enhancing practical Computer Science skills

Most of Computer Science and Information Technology courses are not only theory-based compared to courses from other types of majors such as management, economics, social sciences, etc. Even though Computer Science (CS) and Information Technology (IT) degree include various theory-based classes, the approach of those courses are far more concentrated in practical skills.

For instance, right after theoretical classes say for an example web design and development, you must have to apply the theoretical knowledge which is learnt through practical web development in a computer laboratory and also with various projects.

  1. Should learn more after the classes

Most of Computer Science and IT courses are rocking interesting. But it won’t cover all the handiness the student might need in a job. For example, if you are learning the course called Software Engineering and you are planning to go into software development, the student should also learn significant Programmeming languages related to software development. 

The student of computer science may need to update themselves and always should have a thirst to learn new Programmeming languages on their own, skyline university Nigeria is helping students to update their knowledge in these areas by giving various webinars, conferences, knowledge sharing lecture series etc. Also, students can start up with introductions to online Programmeming languages, some courses are offered for free (W3Schools, Linkedin), such as Python, MATLAB, Java, DART and much more.

  1. Time Planning and Test abilities tourism 

Scheduling time properly is very important and after completing core assignments or projects, ICT students are advised to hit Google and find out what type of computing skills tech companies are looking for. Particularly, look into further details on the exact requirements at those specific companies you dream of working for.

When you are learning Web design and development – The computer science student could also make simple websites or Programmes just for themself to test their abilities and push them further.

If you want to study Computer Science and Information Technology (IT) at top-ranked universities, check Programmemes offered by some of the best universities ranked by UniRank,

One of the best universities in Africa for a Computer Science degree, especially in Nigeria:

Some of the best universities in the USA for a Computer Science degree:

  • California Institute of Technology 
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology 
  • Georgia Institute of Technology
  1. Do not need to be an isolated guzzle

Being able to work on your own and independently motivate yourself is great, and you’ll need that. But don’t forget that you’re not alone, and its’ highly unlikely you’ll be alone in the workplace as well. You’re likely to be part of a team.

Teamwork takes some skills you’ll need to brush up on and work constantly. Once you’ll find a good study group, you’ll surely enjoy meeting with your peers, sharing ideas and working on interesting projects. After all, that’s just the classical way innovation starts: with a few genius minds that come together and work on a new invention until it becomes a trademark.[4]

Skyline University Nigeria has MOU with Worldwide popular destinations for Computer Science Institutions:

  • MOU with Top Institutions and Universities of Computer Science in India 
  • MOU with Top Institutions and Universities of Computer Science in Malaysia
  1. Learn with life
  • Learn Computer Science degree in Skyline University Nigeria, and Study-related courses involved in our day to day life. Students can spend their daily life with social networking such as Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp and they can learn how to develop it.
  • The courses and offered may be tough to build the capacity in students but if you interconnect your life with your studies, it will be very easy to learn it. Some other courses will refresh your mind and increase your grades. Cheers, Rest, good luck!


  1. Education in Nigeria –
  2. Kano State –
  3. Skyline University Nigeria at the glance –
  4. 5 Study Tips that Will Make You a Successful Computer Science Student


Dr. Vijay Arputharaj is a Lecturer I of Computer and Information Science in Skyline University Nigeria. He has a PhD. in Computer Science, from Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, India.

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