Universities are largely ranked by students’ performance amongst other parameters. Good students make good schools. This is why administrators spend so much time deciding who gets admitted into their school. Having this knowledge helps solve half of the problem of admission. Hence, leaving most admission seekers with the difficult process of competing to gain admission into a reputable university of choice, appeal to the admissions requirements, figure out on their own what the requirements are or who is responsible for each stage of their admission process.
Skyline University Nigeria is making the admission process as smooth as possible. Admissions into the University are reviewed by the admission officers (Registry) who make decisions on students’ admission process. They assess the application pool to select the best students possible. The manner of application, time of application and supportive documents can all impact the decision of the admissions officers to either offer acceptance or denial. Here are five tips to make your admission process smoother.
Step One – Apply
You can apply directly at the SUN campus or via the university’s website at www.sun.edu.ng. This website processes the application for all of the institutions’ Programmemes at all levels. This step will also require applicants to fill out the application forms, upload required/supporting documents (WAEC/NECO results, JAMB results, PRIMARY SCHOOL LEAVING CERTIFICATE etc.). Click on the APPLY NOW button and follow the instructions.
Step Two – Notice of Successful Application
If the application is successful, applicants will get a follow-up mail/phone call, confirming their application and the list of next steps. It’s better to make an early application for early notification of admission status. Early application/notices of admission will also allow students to relax, knowing that, they have already gained admission into the university and take a few more weeks to make their decisions about moving in and accommodation.
Step Three – Make Payments
Once the notice of admission is sent and the admission letter is received, you can make an online transfer to the account number listed on the admission letter issued or visit the SUN campus with your debit card, where you will receive additional assistance from the admissions’ team. When payment is made, you will get another email/phone call reminder to confirm tuition payments.
Step Four – Go to the Bursary For Validation
On confirmation of tuition payment, applicants should go to the university’s bursary to validate the payment, here another receipt is issued in exchange for the initial receipt received. When payment is validated take your receipt to the issuing admissions officer for further details.
Step Five – Proceed to the Admin Department to collect your Student’s ID
Congratulations! You are officially a bonafide student of Skyline University Nigeria. If you have further questions, contact us @ marketing@sun.edu.ng or call +2348181111113