Skyline University Nigeria


Human Resource department trains staff on personal hygiene and basic work ethics

The Human Resources Department at Skyline University Nigeria (SUN) has recently trained maintenance staff on personal hygiene and work ethics. The training was conducted in order to foster a collaborative and efficient work environment for both staff, students and the institution’s guests.

Delivering his lecture titled ‘Personal Hygiene’ in the first part of the session, Dr. Isa Usman, the Dean of the School of Basic Medical Sciences (SBMS) at SUN, explained personal hygiene is very critical in a work environment.

As a seasoned medical expert, he emphasized that personal grooming, which includes oral hygiene, clean clothing and hand hygiene, among others, in addition to its health benefits, increases personal value. He appealed to the staff to prioritize health and hygiene at all times.

On ‘Ethics and Integrity’, Dr. Usman explained that the staff must be guided by values and moral principles when discharging their duties at the premises of the university and outside. He said the way they act determines if people can trust them or not. He said the use of ethics in their daily activities within campus will also encourage students to inculcate good behaviors and practices.