Skyline University Nigeria

Journaling for Higher Education Students

The academic environment is a whole new level of life experience for youths. It is largely driven by the production of new knowledge and information. Thus, students are regularly provided with new ideas and are always expected to consolidate them concisely. So, journaling serves as a key to harmonizing those bountiful ideas into something stunning and advantageous.  

Journaling not only serves as a way by which students explore their potential but is also very therapeutic. As a student, it is an excellent way of testing your understanding of new concepts, ability to recall and effectiveness in managing ideas. Then, it allows you to manage stress somewhat similar to an emotional repair. 

With journaling, students can personally test their skills in sorting tons of information that was said during lectures, group discussions and class presentations. They are also able to experiment with their critical thinking skills based on academic engagements. This process is highly essential for improving understanding and educational success in higher education. 


Universities, Colleges, Polytechnics and other higher institutions, usually adopt formal ways of testing to assess the aptitudes of students using tests, presentations, assignments, and exams. The importance of different kinds of assessments is that it allows students’ performance to be analyzed. For students, journaling can aid in the individual assessment of performance

Journaling has proven to be an effective strategy for organizing a study schedule. As students plan ways to achieve a higher grade, writing out goals and a studying timetable are very important. Carefully get a notepad and scribble down your reading pattern and reading timetable. It also helps you to remain focus and avoid mistakes during class assessment and examinations

Anticipations in higher education institutions are very demanding. Apart from class lectures, students are expected to continuously search for additional information from other sources such as books and especially, the internet – both online and offline. 

To sort the multitude of information, journaling assists students in lessening the stress of doing that. Students can also use trends in journaling using smartphones and tablets which have jotting provisions embedded in them.