He gave the admonition recently during the registration of students into the various sports Programmemes available in the university where over fifty undergraduate students from different departments were enrolled.
According to him, “It’s a common perception that the majority of the academically deficient students have poor eating habits. Their diet mainly consist of takeaways, heavy breakfast, eating unhealthy convenient and junk foods which can have negative consequences”.
He emphasized that choice of food and drinks for any university student can be influenced by their environment and can include the primary factors of availability of foods on/off campus, peer influence and lack of adequate knowledge on nutrition.
“Because of the connection between health and education, we advise the students to avoid bad eating habits and Body Mass Index (BMI) is an essential test for students upon joining”, he stated. The Head of Sports further identifies that diet quality is a health behaviour that may improve a student’s chance of furthering their academic career.
He charged the students of Skyline University Nigeria to eat diets rich in fruits and vegetables in addition to the variety of foods they consume daily. “Diet quality has an association with academic performance”, he concluded.