Skyline University Nigeria

Skyline University Nigeria Holds Entrepreneurship Skills Seminar For Officials of the Ministry of Education

Officials of the Ministry of Education, Kano State have participated in the recently conducted train the trainer entrepreneurship skills seminar, organized by the Centre of Excellence – Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Skyline University Nigeria.

The discussion of the seminar was centred on education, professional skills development, employment, entrepreneurship and innovation as a means to increase capital and sustainable development not only for Kano state but across Nigeria as a whole.

While noting the objective of the seminar, the seminar speaker and Dean of the School of Arts Management and Social Science, Dr Sudha Mavuri stated that the event will foster excellence amongst organizations and empower employees’ entrepreneurship and leadership skills in the workplace.

She described the event as a platform to sensitise participants on the need for training on entrepreneurship skills for capacity building both professional and personal development.

The Vice-Chancellor Prof. Ajith Kumar V.V. while delivering his remarks stated that initiatives such as this are one of the university’s corporate social responsibilities. “Our core values are based on knowledge skills and value-based education, particularly towards entrepreneurship.

The entrepreneurship seminar was organized by the University’s Director of Academic Support Service office, headed by Ms Sarada Maganti and coordinated by the Marketing Department. It had an attendance of about 111 participants.
