Skyline University Nigeria

Skyline University Nigeria (SUN) and Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) in Talks on Collaborations

While speaking on the perceived areas of strengths of the collaboration, Prof. Hilmi stated that the collaboration will mark a new face in the relationship it will share amongst the students and faculty of the two institutions of higher learning. “Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS is proud of its extensive links with other education providers throughout the world. We looke forward to a possible collaboration,” he added.

Following series of correspondences and exchange of mails, this was the first conference call for both institutions of higher learning. Prof. Hilmi expressed his joy at the prospects for collaboration on research, education, culture, resource sharing and library services, students and faculty exchange. He cited Skyline University Nigeria as the second university that is soon to have collaborations with them from North West Nigeria.

The SUN Vice Chancellor, Prof. Sudhakar Kota, said that Skyline University Nigeria will continue to initiate and sustain collaborations with international partners with a view to supporting her faculty and staff as well as students to attend conferences, and to promote quality teaching in order to give the university a good representation. We have to enter into articulation agreement as per the National University’s Regulations (NUC) on collaborations with foreign universities”, he stated.
