Library FAQ's

What are the facilities and services that I can avail from SUN library?
Library is providing the following services to the users:
a. Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)
b. Internet/CD ROM Search Assistance
c. Online Resources Services (EBSCO, ProQuest, IGI Global & Scopus)
d. News clipping Service
e. Reference/Referral Service
f. Current Awareness Service (CAS)
g. Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI)
h. Query Based Service (QBS)
i. Alexa Services
j. RFID Services
k. Robotic Services
2. What are the Library Timings?
The Library is open with all facilities and services for the library users from 9.00 A.M to 06.00 P.M on Mondays to Fridays. Library will remain closed on weekends, public & Government holidays.
3. How can I become a member of SUN Library?
Individuals must be registered in the Integrated Library Management System Koha in order to borrow materials from the Library.
Koha registration is also needed for outside members if they have annual membership or alumni membership of the Library. For such members library membership comes at N 5000 annual charges with a security deposit of N 10,000 (refundable).
4. What are the online resource services available in the Library?
The Library is equipped with 36 computer terminals with internet access. Users can access online databases subscribed by the library. This database gives access to more than 2.2 million e-resources.
5. What are the rules and regulations of SUN Library?
a. Silence should be maintained in the Library.
b. Spitting, smoking and other offensive or objectionable practices are strictly prohibited.
c. Cell phones should be switched off or kept in the silent mode with in Library premises.
d. Membership Cards should be shown at entrance & also on demand whenever there is a Check.
e. Membership cards are not transferable. Books are issued against membership cards only.
f. Overdue charges will be collected if book is not returned by due date.
g. If book is lost borrower is responsible to replace the book or pay latest market price. If title is out of print price will be charged as per Library norms.
h. No eatables are allowed in the Library.
i. Violations of Library rules can lead to hefty fines / debarred from Library.