Rules of The Library
Silence should be maintained in the Library.
Smoking, eating, drinking, spitting are prohibited in the library
Cell phones should be switched off or kept in the silent mode within Library premises.
Student ID Cards should be shown at entrance & also on demand whenever there is a Check.
Student ID cards/borrower cards are not transferable. Books are issued against borrower cards only on production of their own Student ID card.
It is very serious offence to remove or damage any part of a book, periodical or computer gadget.
No person shall be allowed to borrow any book(s) until they have been properly checked out
On leaving the library, all library users must surrender their books and papers to the library officials at the circulation counter for inspection
Library users must not attempt to put books back on the shelves. Once taken off the shelves, the books should be left on the tables.
No brief case or handbag are allowed into the library
On completion of course “No dues Certificate” will be issued only on submitting all the materials borrowed from the library.
Overdue charges will be collected if book is not returned by due date.
If book is lost, borrower is responsible to replace the book or pay latest market price. If title is out of print, price will be charged as per Library norms.
Reading tables and chairs must not be moved from their positions
Library users should not reserve seats in the library. Another person can use any seat not physically occupied.
Library users are advised to take away their belongings and books whenever they are leaving the library
Users are urged to avoid any distortion of the library’s clean environment (in and around the library premises)
Stealing library materials will lead to severe disciplinary action
Playing games, downloading games, software, music /video files is strictly prohibited in the electronic library area.
Library computers are meant for library search only and students are allowed to work on their assignments.
The University Librarian may suspend any person from using the library for violation of these rules subject to his reporting such action to the Library Resources Development Committee (LRDC)
By using the E-library facilities of the SUN Library Services to access the internet, users are agreeing that they will not access any material(s) which:
- Is obscene, racist, defamatory or illegal
- Causes harassment or gross offence to others
- Would be a breach of copyrightUsers will not interfere in any way with the hardware, software or general operation of the PCs
All users are expected to demonstrate a responsible approach to the use of resources made available to them, and to show consideration for others users, both using the library’s facilities and with whom they come into contact on the internet.
The library service will not accept responsibility for slow network responses, non availability of websites and content of any emails received by users, other users retrieving information left on open files or any loss resulting from the use of credit card over the internet.
It is requested that only one person use a computer at any one time, unless assistance is required.
The library services has no control over the information accessed and cannot be held responsible for the content or quality of the information retrieved.
All users are required to book for the use of computers in the library.
Using or plugging of a USB mass storage or any storage device is strictly not allowed
The use of personal software is not allowed.
Borrowing privileges are available to SUN faculty, staff and currently enrolled students, as well as alumni and other users whose libraries has an MOU with SUN Library. The SUN provides identity cards to each student which is also used as a membership cards or library cards for issuance/return of books and other materials. The ID card is scanned with barcode technology and the books are issued with the help of Library management software. For the faculty members, staff and others, membership cards are developed through the Library database management software and the same is maintained records.
Individuals must complete a registration card and update their individual registration or ID card in the KOHA software using the barcode technology in order to borrow materials from the Library. For faculty, staff and currently enrolled students, SUN ID card must be presented for all borrowing transactions. Library cards are issued to outside members if they are alumni members of SUC or SUN.
The SUN Library protects the confidentiality of each member. The Library staff shall not disclose any personal or circulation record information regarding any If a book is urgently needed, the staff will make arrangements for making the book available within a reasonable timeframe.
The number of books to be issued and loan period is classified into 3 broad categories. They are as follows:
- Undergraduate program (SAMSS, SSIT, SBMS, SLS & PG)
- Faculty, Supporting Staff and Part Time Faculty Members
- Others include Alumni and those users whose libraries has an MOU with SUN Libraries
- Membership Fees
The Library fees for the SUN students are included in the annual fees as per the institution policies.
The alumni members will have to pay an applicable annual membership of N5,000 with a security deposit of N10,000/= and it has to be renewed each year. The alumni members of SUC or SUN can access the library e-resources absolutely free of charge through the portal.
- Membership Forms
Alumni Membership forms are available in the portal and print copies in the library as well.
- Rules for Circulation of Print Materials for students
| Membership Type | No. of Rental Books (Per Semester) | Materials / Duration | No. of Reference Books | Loan Duration |
Undergraduate (SAMSS, SSIT,SBMS, SLS & PG) | Regular | All the courses | Semester (Print Books) | 3 | 7 days |
Post Graduate | Regular | All the courses | Semester (Print Books) | 3 | 14 days |
Foundation students/IJMB | Part-Time | N/A | N/A | 3 | 7 days |
Alumni & Others | Alumni & others | N/A | N/A | 2 | 7 days |
- Rules for Circulation of Non-Print Materials (NPMs)
The students cannot checkout any audio visual materials from the Library. They can use the Audio Visual materials like CDs, DVD materials in the Library with the permission of their respective faculty. Students may use audio-visual materials in the electronic library area of the Library. Materials must be returned to the circulation desk during library hours after use.
- Renewals
Users may renew any materials borrowed from the Library provided that no other borrower has made a request for the item. Three renewals will be allowed for any issued reference materials for the period of 7 days. Requests for renewals by telephone will be accepted only in case of emergencies or mitigation circumstances.
- Late Fines
The Library charges a fine of N100/ per day per book as overdue for all the library books from the students.
- Penalty for Damages/Lost
The cases of penalty for any damage or loss of any item will be referred to Head-Librarian for action. In case of the dispute not resolved at this stage will be referred to LRDC.
- Check in policy:
All core text books should be returned as soon as students finish their final exams and the reference books should be returned as per the due date given. It is the sole responsibility of the borrower to obtain the “No Due Certificate” from the library immediately and retain the copy with them. Any claims will not be entertained without submitting the No Due Certificate issue by the library.
- Forfeit/Debit policy
The library books should be returned on or before the deadline, failing to do so the total cost of the books will be Forfeited or Debited in their account. The Forfeited/Debited amount is irreversible.
- Books lost fine refund policy
If the books are lost by the Students, they have to either pay the cost of the books or debit the amount in their account. This amount is reversible if the books found are returned after the payment within the semester.
- Library Locker
Lockers are for use by SUN faculty, staff and students only. All borrowers must abide by the locker policies prior to using the locker.
- Locker keys are already fixed on each locker.
- Library Locker should be on rent with semester renewal of three thousand (3000 per semester)
- No personal locks are allowed on lockers located in the Library. Unauthorized locks will be removed and contents confiscated.
- The Libraries reserves the right to inspect locker contents if deemed necessary
- All lockers are expected to be used while in the premises of the SUN. On no account, a person shall use the locker for more than 24hrs.
- If found that, a locker is locked for more than 24hrs, the library personnel together with library security will open the locker with the spare key and confiscate what is inside.
- The following materials may not be stored in lockers:
- Non-checked out library material
- Edibles
- Hazardous materials
- Drugs and other contraband
- Open drink containers
- Lockers will be checked periodically by library staff in the presence of security.
- Notification of any violation will be sent to the lock holder. At the discretion of the library staff, locker privileges may be revoked.
- Library is not responsible for loss, theft or damage to items in lockers.
The eligibility for full time faculty, part-time faculty and supporting staff members to borrow from Library begins from receiving the intimation about the new member from Human Resource Department. The faculty members can avail library books by observing the following circulation policy.
- Rules for Circulation of Print Materials
The categories of members and their privileges are as follows:
Category of Faculty & Staff | Max. no. of books | Loan Duration | |
Full time faculty | 5 | Core text (120 Days/Semester) Reference Books (1 month) | |
Part-time faculty | 3 | Core text (120 Days/Semester) Reference Books (14 days/2 Week2) | |
Supporting Staff | 5 | Reference Books (14 days/2 Weeks) |
Note: All reference print materials will be issued for fourteen days only. The faculty will have to return the materials before due date in case of demand by any other member of the Library.
All core text materials borrowed by the faculty have to be returned to the library at the end of each academic year.
2. Rules for Circulation of Non-Print Materials (NPMs)
Non- print materials (NPMs) in the collections of Library include items such as DVDs/CDs/Videos/CDs/ Video Cassettes, Audio Cassettes, Slides etc.
All audio-visual materials will be issued to the faculty for the classroom demonstration only through the computing department who would display the material as per faculty requirement and then return to the Library. Items can be retained for a maximum of seven days only.
3. Renewals of audio / video
Issued documents and other items are renewable, provided there is no demand for the material by other members. Three renewals are allowed for any issued material.
4. Penalty for Damages/Lost
The cases of penalty for any damage or loss of any item will be referred to the Head-Librarian for action. The actions range from replacement hefty fines to debarring from Library for a semester.
5. Non-Circulating Materials
Books like dictionaries, encyclopedias, atlas, maps etc., are not circulated by the Library likewise Newspapers and Current Local Journals.
6. Clearance Form
SUN Library will issue the clearance certificate to any faculty member only after he/she returns the borrowed materials from the Library to all those who leave the organization after returning, replacing or paying for all outstanding print and non-print materials that they have not returned to the Library.
The Reprography Section, under the operation of SUN Library, provides the university community with black and white photocopy, coloured photocopy, black and white printing, coloured printing, scanning and sliding binding services. These services are meant for the members of SUN only. In carrying out its mandate, the Reprography Section is advised by the Library Resources Development Committee (LRDC)
- The Policy is meant to:
- guide the library's staff in making decisions regarding the management of reprography section
- assure the continuity and consistency of reprography services over time
- Help to minimize the mutilation of library materials
2. Availability of Services
- The Reprography Section provides all type of photocopying and printing services.
- Confidentiality of work undertaken is guaranteed when appropriate steps have been taken.
- During peak periods, the Reprography Section reserves the right to establish schedules and priorities in consultation with users when necessary.
- Reprography Section will seek to satisfy users' needs in accordance with the SUN strategic goals.
3. Reprographic Equipment Control and Requisition: The IT Department must approve the purchase or rental of all reprographic equipment, and Finance supply all accessories and any related materials. The procurement of all reprographic equipment and related materials is subject to prior needs analysis by the IT Head, Head Finance and Head Librarian. For greater efficiency and economy, the number of photocopiers in use throughout the University should be kept to a minimum. A period of 6 to 8 weeks is needed to analyze and compare the equipment, obtain quotations from suppliers, recommend equipment to users, place the orders, move the old equipment, and deliver and install the new equipment