Faculty Members Details

Mr. Ismail Rabiu
Assistant Lecturer (Microbiology)

Mr. Ismail Rabiu
Assistant Lecturer (Microbiology)
Assistant Lecturer (Microbiology)
- Email:ismail.rabiu@sun.edu.ng
Mr. Ismail Rabiu
Ismail Rabiu is an Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Microbiology, Skyline University Nigeria (SUN). He holds an M.Sc in Medical Microbiology with a specialization in Pharmaceutical Microbiology and Infectious diseases and is a first-class graduate of Microbiology in Bayero University Kano. He also holds a Diploma in Information Technology from the Information Center, Federal Ministry of information, along with a number of different certification courses such as Journal Manuscript development, Infectious diseases epidemiology, Population Health & Environment, Human Resource Management for health, Nutrition, Data visualization and Monitoring and Evaluation with the Bloomberg School of public health (USA) in collaboration with the United State Agency for International Development (USAID). Part of his hobbies includes nurturing young minds for research and innovation.
He has varied academic and research experience. His early career started as an Assistant lecturer in Jigawa State Polytechnic during His NYSC, and he has at different times worked as a Lab Technologist with the Health Services Dept. FCE Zaria, Food and Pharmaceutical industry. He has participated in many Webinars and workshops and has attended and presented papers in both national and International Conferences.
His research interest cut across areas of Biostatistics, Pharmaceutical Microbiology: “Phytomedicine and antimicrobial chemotherapy of extremely drug-resistant pathogens/vaccine Technology”, Epidemiology and Public health Microbiology: “Emerging and Re-emerging infectious diseases and Understanding the Mechanisms of Zoonotic infections”, Bioinformatics and Microbial Biostorage, Genetic engineering and Recombinant DNA Technology as well as the Microbial Bioremediation of Polluted Environment. He is ever curious in learning novel techniques in gene mapping and Molecular docking.
Rabi’u, I., Jamil, Z. A. and Adamu, H. I. Parasite Contamination of Freshly Harvested Vegetables from Selected Markets Located within Kano Metropolis. Journal of Biochemistry and Analytical Studies. 5(1): (2021). dx.doi.org/10.16966/2576-5833.126. https://sciforschenonline.org/journals/bioanalytical-techniques/JBAS126.php
Rabi’u, I., Adamu, H. I., Oladipo, H. J. and Rabiu, U. B. The origin, Transmission and Pathogenesis of COVID-19: Suggesting a Better Containment Approach of the Pandemic in Nigeria. International Journal of Scientific and Technical Research in Engineering (IJSTRE). Volume 6 Issue 3. ISSN: 2581-9941. (2021). http://ijstre.com/currentissue.php
Adamu, H. I., Rabi’u, I. and Mabeh, B. I. A Review on the Use of Honey in The Treatment of Wound Infection. Asian Food Science Journal. 20(1): 51-59. (2021). DOI:10.9734/AFSJ/2021/v20i130253. https://www.journalafsj.com/index.php/AFSJ/article/view/30253
Issa, S. B., Muazu, M. and Rabi’u, I. Phytochemical Analysis and Antibacterial Activity of Moringa oliefera Leaves Extract Against Certain Pathogenic Bacteria. Asian Journal of Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology. 7(1): 34-43. (2021). DOI: 10.9734/AJBGMB/2021/v7i130166. https://www.journalajbgmb.com/index.php/AJBGMB/article/view/30166
Rabi’u, I., Issa, S. B. and Muazu, M. COVID-19 Pandemic: Laboratory Diagnostic Methods and Related Biosafety Regulations. International Journal of Research and Reports in Haematology. 4(1): 1-19. (2020). Article no. IJR2H.64718. https://www.journalijr2h.com/index.php/IJR2H/article/view/30128
Muazu, M., Rabi’u, I. and Issa, B. S. Mini-review on the use of Biofuels for Sustainable development in Nigeria. UMYUK Journal of Microbiology Research, 05 (01), 009. (2020). https://doi.org/10.47430/ujmr.2051.014 https://www.umyu.edu.ng/ujmr/index.php/articles/123-umyu-journal-of-microbiology-research-volume-5-issue-1-june-2020
Abdulfatai, K, Abdullahi, B, Jaafaru, I. A. and Rabiu, I. Prevalence of Schistosoma haematobium among L.G.E.A Primary School Children Rigachikun Kaduna. European Journal of Biotechnology and Bioscience. 6 (3); 09-11. (2018). ISSN: 2321-9122. https://www.journalafsj.com/index.php/AFSJ/article/view/30253
Abdulfatai, K., Abdullahi, B., Jaafaru, I. A. and Rabiu, I. Antibacterial activity of pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) leaf extracts on Salmonella and Shigella Species Isolated from stool sample in patients attending Barau Dikko peadiatric unit kaduna. European Journal of Biotechnology and Bioscience. 6 (3); 01-08. (2018). ISSN: 2321-9122.
A Book chapter publication on: “The use of Microorganisms in the Bioremediation of Xenobiotics in the Environment” Book Title: “Biotechnology for Sustainable Development” by Immortal Publications, India (2021). Published by the Dept. of Biosciences and Biotechnology Krishna University India. ISBN: 978-93-5437-925-3. https://www.immortalpublications.com
• Orcid id : 0000-0001-6878-6060
• Researcher Id AGE-5371-2022
• Google Scholar Id 8QN6B_QAAAAJ
•Research Gate Ismail Rabiu