Skyline University Nigeria


MISSION – “To equip every SUN student with the latest technologies to achieve a successful carrier of the modern era.”

VISION – “To provide opportunities for SUN Tech Club members to share knowledge in technology fundamentals and trends, to gain access to employment resources, and to network with technology leaders”.

Purpose of the Club

The purpose of the SUN Debate Club is to provide opportunities for students to build communication skills through practice & participation in intramural and interscholastic speech and debate competitions; develop and pursue excellence in public speaking and oration in university level. It aims to provide club members with practice in public speaking and debate on various topics.

Benefits of Joining the Club

  • Builds self-confidence
  • Enhances public speaking skills and debate techniques
  • Develops decisive awareness and personality.


Events Brief

  • Election of SUN Club president, secretary, club body etc.
  • List out various competitions in and around northern Nigeria to participate in
  • Create posters, banners, pamphlets etc. for cross-fire
  • Work along with the media/press club to contact universities to participate in cross-fires
  • Contact news and media agencies to cover the event
  • Invite the various universities and providing them registration forms, rules & regulations, deadline for registration etc.
  • Create pre- and post-event press-releases and send them to all media and press, along with photographs
  • Photographers from the Arts Club to be contacted for photography purposes.

Purpose of the Club

The basic aim of this SUN club is to enable students to give something back to the society in general. It also helps them come face-to-face with reality and get a better understanding of the world around them, thus providing them an overall education which does not limit itself to the classroom alone.
Since most of the events get media exposure, it will also be a way of promoting SUN’s efforts and interest in helping the unfortunate.

Benefits of Joining the Club

  • An added benefit of learning something new outside university books
  • A chance to feel the realities of the world
  • An opportunity to feel responsible about someone else other than one’s self
  • An eye opening and life long experience


Events Brief

  • Election of Club president, secretary etc.
  • List out charity associations in Nigeria
  • List out old age homes, orphanages
  • October – breast cancer awareness month (guest lecture on the topic + a related event)
  • Run a charity drive during the festival
  • Contact and finalize on an organization for whom the charity drive will be conducted and where the collected funds would go
  • Get T-shirts painted/printed to wear during the charity drive
  • Visit one old age home
  • Visit one orphanage
  • December – aids awareness month (related event)
  • February 4th – world cancer day
  • March 8th – international women’s day.

Purpose of the Club

The aim of the SUN dance club is to provide an open and supportive environment for further enhancement of various dance forms, student choreography and student performance. In addition, talent hunt would be conducted to discover new dancers.
It is an opportunity for graduate and undergraduate students to choreograph and perform dance pieces for their peers, faculty and family. People of all backgrounds, cultures, majors and genders are encouraged to participate.

Benefits of Joining the Club

  • Participation in Skyline university events and competitions as a dancer
  • Being in the spotlight
  • Gaining additional skills and talents from other members by sharing.


Events Brief

  • Elections of SUN club president & secretary
  • Prepare for matriculation
  • Prepare for graduation
  • Prepare for other external competitions
  • Preparation for the annual show down – appreciation day.

Purpose of the Club

The aim of the SUN drama club is to provide an opportunity for students interested in theater to participate in all aspects of drama and enable them to stage dramas on their own. Students will be involved in all phases of play production such as performance, direction, design, technical support, backstage crafts, publicity etc.

Benefits of Joining the Club

  • Participating in Skyline university plays
  • Developing and sharing your talent and skills in play production
  • Building strong social ties with fellow club members
  • Having fun.


Events Brief

  • Election of SUN club president, secretary, club body etc
  • Find out various intercollegiate drama competitions being organized around Nigeria
  • Choose which ones to participate in
  • In preparation for the drama competition for matriculation and graduation, select a play of choice
  • Get the script ready, decide characters for each role, decide costumes, accessories, backdrop etc
  • Send in requisition for the backdrop material along with budget details to the events coordinator’s office
  • Work along with community service club for a street play or short skit for the charity drive to be organized during matriculation
  • Form two different groups for drama competition and for street play
  • Start preparation for final show-down on appreciation day.

SUN toastmasters international club teaches public speaking and leadership skills through a worldwide network of clubs. Toastmasters club has helped people from diverse backgrounds become more confident speakers, communicators and leaders. SUN toastmaster is mandatory for all students to help:

  1. Improve their public speaking skills
  2. Build leadership skills
  3. Maximize their potential
  4. Enjoy unlimited personal growth
  5. Work on networking in a small and supportive environment
  6. Practice writing speeches and presentations in a group setting
  7. Gain a competitive advantage in their workplace after school
  8. Build self-confidence and self-awareness.

Purpose of the IEEE Student Membership

The purpose of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) student membership is to provide students who are pursuing degrees in Computer Science, Software Engineering, Cybersecurity, Data Science and related fields with a range of benefits and opportunities to enhance their academic and professional development. IEEE student members gain access to a wealth of technical resources, including journals, conference proceedings, and standards.

This access allows students to stay up-to-date with the latest research and developments in their field. IEEE is a global organization and student membership allows students to connect with peers from around the world. This global network can broaden their horizons and expose them to diverse perspectives and ideas. For students involved in research, IEEE provides opportunities for them to publish their works in IEEE journals and present them at IEEE conferences, which can be a significant accomplishment and boost their academic and professional profiles.


Benefits of Joining/Membership

  • Access to technical knowledge
  • Get networking opportunities
  • Professional development
  • Career advancement
  • Leadership opportunities
  • Publication opportunities
  • Recognition and awards
  • Global community
  • Ethical and professional guidance.


Events Brief

  • Election of IEEE Student Chapter Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Members
  • IEEE hosts numerous conferences worldwide, covering various technical disciplines
  • Symposia are specialized events focused on specific technical topics, such as signal processing, communications, robotics and more
  • IEEE organizes workshops and tutorials that provide hands-on training, in-depth technical knowledge and practical skills in various areas of interest
  • IEEE offers webinars on a wide range of technical and professional topics
  • IEEE technical societies and local sections often hold regular technical meetings, which can include presentations, panel discussions and networking opportunities related to specific technical domains
  • IEEE events are focused on practical problem-solving and innovation. Hackathons challenge participants to develop solutions to real-world problems within a limited time frame
  • IEEE sponsors various student competitions, including robotics competitions, coding challenges and design contests
  • IEEE student branches at universities and colleges organize various events, including technical talks, workshops and outreach programmes to engage students.