Skyline campus is well equipped with the learning and Extracurricular resources like: Classrooms with audio-visual equipment, smart boards, computer labs, printing & photocopying center, portal services, cafeteria services, hostel, library, wireless services, multipurpose hall, first-aid services, Football & Volleyball pitch , Basketball, badminton, Lawn Tennis courts. Common Room with foosball, table tennis and snooker.
Academics, Administration, Registration & Examination, Student Service Department (SSD), Human Resource Department (HRD), Library, Computing, Marketing, Media & Communication, Finance, Sports, Institutional Research office, English Language learning Centre and Center for continuous learning.
A student portal is a channel of communication between student and the university, located on SUN website. It can be used to access class attendance, assessments and the results online. The academic profile, academic advisor and the events of the university can also be accessed through the portal.
For your academic concerns you can contact an Academic Advisor/Mentor.
For your development studies and tutorials you can contact the Faculty Members.
For your books and other supplies you can contact the library.
For your computing and network problems you can contact IT Department.
For your sports related queries you can contact the Sports Department.
You can know your course and graduation plan on student’s portal.
Registration department will enroll the student as per their Graduation plan.
Yes, The registration will be rejected under the following conditions:
- In case of non-submission of documents required by the institution or government authorities
- In case of submission of any forged documents for admission
- In case of nonattestation of High School certificates submitted for admission
- Any information received from the parent organization regarding the irregularities in the documents submitted.
- Criminal charge(s) are proven against the student at any point of time.
- Undertaking cases not meeting the deadline
You can find your institutional calendars on student’s portal, website and University notice board.
You can communicate through Student Portal, Advisor, Admin and SSD Counter.
Academic year at SUN comprises of Fall, Spring and Summer semesters. The duration of the Undergraduate degree is 4 years.
Students enrolled for a Programme shall complete within a maximum of 6 years by earning 132 credits. Student can earn 132 credits in four years in normal case or by attempting maximum of 180 credits.
In case of accelerated Programme, the student can complete the Undergraduate Programme in less than 4 years.
Students will be placed on provisional/conditional admission due to the following reason and the student has to submit the documents within First Semester.
- Non-Attestation of High School / O’level results.
- Incomplete grades at O’level.
Admission kit is issued mainly to the students once they are enrolled for the Programme.
The kit gives the student a clear idea about his/her admission status, academic Programme, class Timing, guidance on portal usage, Portal username and password, car sticker details, ID card, graduation plan and fee payment plan.
Admission kit will change in the following scenarios:
- Accelerated Programme
- Programme transfer
- Re-activated students
Student handbook which is a ready reckoner that guides the student to understand the academic and academic support service policies and procedures, semester wise course plan, examination calendar, academic calendar and whom to approach for services. The student handbook enables students to plan their academic operations, leave and participation in activities for self-development. You can find your student handbook in the student’s portal.
Students can make a request through the portal.
Withdrawal of a course/s can be done within the first week of commencement of a semester with a maximum number of two courses [is not applicable for students under accelerated Programme, SUN Visa / Visa Letter, Sponsored students]
Addition of a course is allowed only to those students who are not progressing as per the Graduation plan was given to them initially. Admin can be contacted for the addition of courses.
The class schedule details the courses offered for the batches offered during the semester. It contains the details such as classroom, class timings, faculty member name, batch and the course name.
Access to the portal for students is denied in case of non-adherence to SUN policy & procedures. It can be reactivated by contacting concern department and complying with their requirements.
Student may postpone a semester only once in an academic year and maximum twice during the graduation Programme. The postponement form should be filled within two weeks of commencement of a semester only under mitigating circumstances.
A student who scores less than ‘A’ grade in any course will be allowed to repeat that course and better of the two grades shall be considered for calculating the CGPA and student is allowed to repeat the course only twice
For UNDERGRADUATE students, 75 % attendance [-(Negative 25%)] is a must to appear for the main final exam.
You can check your student handbook for the university policies. It is also available on student portal.
Hall ticket is the exam admission slip issued for the students to appear mid-term, Final & Mitigation/re-sit exam. The student has to carry the hall ticket and produce on demand in the examination hall. It contains Student name, Programme, DOB, gender, photo, course ID, student ID, Exam date, course code and course name
Examination schedules along with the Mid Term & Final examination dates will be announced within 2 weeks from the start of the class and will be displayed on the SUN website & Student portal and the university notice board.
Yes, the student can re-appear for the exam only in case of Mitigation policy to excuse the absence of students that result from the following causes only
- Accident
- In case of death of Immediate Family Member
- Hospitalization
- Religious [HAJ only]
The student is required to use mitigating circumstance form available in the portal to file their appeal for consideration of mitigating circumstances along with necessary documentation.
Students can check the grades on the student portal.
Student’s performance is assessed in each registered course out of 100 marks. The mode of assessment depends on the course in which students appear. This includes assignments, quizzes, research work, case studies, and presentations.
GRADE POINT CLASSIFICATION – Undergraduate Programme
Letter Grade | Grade Range | Grade Points | Defining Points |
A | 70 – 100 | 5 | DISTINCTION |
B | 60 – 69 | 4 | UPPER CREDIT |
C | 50 – 59 | 3 | LOWER CREDIT |
D | 45 – 49 | 2 | PASS |
F | Below 44 | 0 | FAIL |
Grade Point Average (GPA) is determined by dividing total grade points earned by total hours attempted. GPA may be figured for each semester (semester GPA), for all hours attempted at the University (Cumulative GPA).
Grade Points Credits Total
A:Grade Points | Credits | Total | ||
A – 5 | X | 3 | = | 15.0 |
B – 4 | X | 3 | = | 12.0 |
C – 3 | X | 3 | = | 09.0 |
D – 2 | X | 3 | = | 06.0 |
F – 0 | X | 3 | = | 00.0 |
15 | 42.0 |
Grade Points Earned x Course Credits
Total Credits Attempted
Semester Grade Points Earned x Course Credits
Total Credits Attempted
CGPA = 5×3+4×3+3×3+2×3 = 42 = 2.8
GPA – Grade Points Average
CGPA – Cumulative Grade Point Average
Students are classified according to the number of Credit hours satisfactorily completed
- Freshman 0 – 36 credit hours
- Sophomore 37 – 72 credit hours
- Junior 73 – 99 credit hours
- Senior 100 and above credit hours
Satisfactory Academic Progression (SAP)
All students enrolled at Skyline University Nigeria shall be monitored very carefully for the quality and quantity of satisfactory academic work completed during their study.
A student will be evaluated at the end of every spring semester for the following:
- A – QUALITATIVE REQUIREMENTS – (quality of academic work completed)
- The qualitative requirement of UNDERGRADUATE is the completion of minimum credits with CGPA as per the below table:
S. No. | Credit Hours Attempted | Minimum CGPA |
1 | 1 – 36 | 1.50 |
2 | 37 – 72 | 1.70 |
3 | 73 – 99 | 1.85 |
4 | 100 and above | 2.00 |
Depending on the number of credit hours attempted, the student is expected to maintain a cumulative grade point average as per the above table.
- B – QUANTITATIVE REQUIREMENTS – (quantity of academic work completed)
Student must complete at least 67% of all credit hours attempted. An attempted credit hour is defined as, any course that the student has enrolled for, in the semester. Successfully completed credit hours refer to the hours in which the student has received a letter grade of A, B, C, or D.
For calculating the completion rate of academic work, F grades are calculated as not completed; however, for the purpose of CGPA calculations, the F grade will be taken into account. ‘W’ grade will be treated as attempted but not completed, however, it is not counted for the purpose of CGPA calculations.
The following are the academic offenses recognized by the SUN.
- Paraphrasing materials or ideas of others without identifying the sources.
- Using sources of information (published or unpublished) without identifying the source.
- Directly quoting the words of others without using quotation marks or indented format to identify them.
- Detection of such plagiarism based on plagiarism software is also included.
Presenting false credentials:
It is an act of submitting misleading certificates/documents/information like presenting false medical excuses; change of identity; presenting falsified certificates.
- Using material not permitted by the faculty during exams, including stored information on electronic devices.
- Copying answers from another student on exams or assignments.
- Altering graded exams or assignments and submitting them for re-grading.
- Submitting the same paper for two classes.
- Altering exam answers and requesting that an exam be re-graded.
- Cooperating with or helping another student.
- Fabricating information such as data for a computer lab exam.
- Other forms of dishonest behavior, such as having another person take an exam in your place.
- Any other indiscipline act during the examination.
Facilitating Academic Dishonesty:
- Allowing another student to copy an assignment or problem set that is supposed to be done individually.
- Allowing another student to copy answers during an exam.
- Taking an exam or completing an assignment for another student.
- Is an agreement between two or more persons when ‘Not Allowed’.
- The work that has been done with others is submitted and passed off as solely the work of one person.
- Working with others without permission from your faculty to produce work which is then presented as your own independent work.
Fabrication of Data:
The falsification of data, information, or citations in any formal academic exercise.
This includes making up citations to back up arguments or inventing quotations. Fabrication predominates in the natural sciences, where students sometimes falsify data to make experiments “work”. It includes data falsification, in which false claims are made about research performed, including selective submitting of results to exclude inconvenient data to generating bogus data.
The following are the courses of action that may be recommended based on the severity of offense:
- A strict warning to be issued to the student against committing an academic offense in future and impose a deduction of marks on the piece of assessment excluding midterm and the final examination.
- Record a mark of zero for the piece of assessed work or examinations.
- Record a mark of zero for every assessment made within the course.
- Record a mark of zero for every assessment mode for all courses during the concerned academic year.
- Debar from the University for the concerned academic year. Allow no Re-assessment or Re-course and no refund of tuition fees.
- Debar from the University. Allow no Re-Enrollment and no refund of tuition fees.
All students pursuing any Bachelor Degree Programme must undergo SIWES (Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme) in order to earn a minimum of 6 credit units in one semester. The minimum duration of the Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) should be 24 weeks. Students should be assessed using the Log Book, a report and a Seminar.
The internship Programme of Skyline University Nigeria assists students to work and learn in a professional environment and get prepared for embarking on employment careers.
The SIWES / internship facilitate students to be able to apply the knowledge gained in the classrooms in a practical work setting, this process enriches student learning experience and helps them transit into the work world. It helps students develop a better understanding of work ethics, discipline, reporting system and teamwork in a workplace of their specialization. The SIWES / internship has a clear objective for the student to gain from the experience.
Project is an integral part of the curriculum in the UNDERGRADUATE Programme. The objective of Project is to enable the student to conduct an independent research on a business problem. The Project trains the student to understand the various conceptual frameworks, models and the tools & techniques of research that are used in conducting business research. It prepares the students to review literature, formalize a proposal, define objectives, collect data, analyze and report the findings.
The Project is a 3 credit course offered at the Senior Level. The Project course is offered to students who meet the qualitative and quantitative requirements of the academic standing and must have completed the prerequisite course on ‘Business Research Methods.
Transcripts can be issued only after marks/grades have been ratified by subject/award board of examiners. Normally transcripts will be issued after the end of each academic year to students.
All the students who have submitted a clearance form from signed by all the departments are eligible to take the transcripts.
Transcripts are issued at any time on requests received from students on payment of necessary fees.
The Provisional certificate is the certificate containing the successful completion of the graduation requirement by the student; it is issued to serve an interim purpose before the award of the degree on the graduation ceremony. The provisional certificate is valid for 1 year from the date of issue. It will be issued one month after publishing the results of final / re-sit every semester.
Duplicate copy of the degree is issued only to the students whose degree is lost/damaged due to any reason
VC’s list is a list of students who have achieved an overall CGPA 3.5 and above in a particular semester completing a minimum of 15 credits. This list is prepared by the administration at the end of each semester. VC’s list students will be awarded a certificate of appreciation.
Toppers list is a list of students who have topped the respective major of the Programme in an academic year. Toppers will be awarded a certificate of appreciation and a cash reward as per the policy. TOC and Direct Entry students are not part of the Toppers List. Students should not have any fail, re-sit, re-appearance in any of the semesters.
Progression is an indication of semester wise academic progress of the student based on successful completion of qualitative and quantitative requirement in each semester, failing which the student is retained in the semester and is not allowed to progress to the next semester as per academic standing policy.
A student will be awarded the Bachelor Degree after fulfilling the following conditions:
- A number of credit hours as specified in the major field of study [132 credit hours]
- Achievement of CGPA not less than 2.00
- 2.00 CGPA in the chosen field of major
- Recommended for graduation by the University Faculty and Administration
SUN counselors are available from 9AM to 5PM, Monday through Friday and Saturdays 10am -2pm on +234 8181111113. You may log on to our website www.sun.edu.ng for more information. You may also find interactives with human interface via any of our social media platforms.
No, SUN is a distinct university of its own and was set up with the unique purpose of meeting all international quality academic needs of every aspiring African student. SUN only leverages the articulation agreement it has with SUC to help SUN students experience the same international academic dimensions obtainable in the best universities anywhere in the globe within Africa.
Yes, SUN is approved and its courses accredited by Nigeria University Commission (NUC). NUC is the university standards setting and accreditation body in Nigeria. They ensure courses offered by SUN meets international standards.
They must have CREDIT in English and Mathematics in WAEC/NECO as per NUC admission criteria.
WAEC / NECO (Online Verified), NABTEB, NBAIS, IGCSE, GCE, GCSE O-Level Attested Certificate (for Fresh Admissions – Level 100). Also the JAMB valid score.
International fresher students must meet the basic JAMB requirement or its international equivalent as per British pre-university admission standards.
Student exchange is also available where intending student must provide evidence of having met the credit pass as per relevant courses.
You can make your payment through any convenient online payment platforms or through direct cash payment into any of our designated bank accounts as you will find below:
Name of Account: Skyline University Nigeria
Account Number: 0032350283
Bank: Unity Bank Plc
Branch: Nassarawa Branch,Kano
Evidence of payment such as teller or other payment receipt with an in-print of the students name plus ID number must then be sent as an attachment via our designated portal platform. To confirm receipt, student must receive delivery acknowledgement email from SUN portal and/or SMS.
If all the documents are complete and the fee has been deposited as per the fee structure. It normally takes one month from the time of visa fee payment and all the documentation is complete.
Yes, the degree is acceptable for transfer of credits to other Nigerian universities and even internationally.
Skyline campus is well equipped with the learning and Extracurricular resources like: Classrooms with audio-visual equipment, smart boards, computer labs, printing & photocopying center, portal services, cafeteria services, hostel, library, wireless services, multipurpose hall, first-aid services, Football & Volleyball pitch , Basketball, badminton, Lawn Tennis courts. Common Room with foosball, table tennis and snooker.
Academics, Administration, Registration & Examination, Student Service Department (SSD), Human Resource Department (HRD), Library, Computing, Marketing & Creative Communication, Finance, Sports, Institutional Research office, English Language learning Centre and Center for continuous learning.
Academic year at SUN comprises of Fall, Spring and Summer semesters. The duration of the Undergraduate degree is 4 years.
Students enrolled for a Programme shall complete within a maximum of 6 years by earning 132 credits. Student can earn 132 credits in four years in normal case or by attempting maximum of 180 credits.
In case of accelerated Programme, the student can complete the Undergraduate Programme in less than 4 years.
A student will be awarded the Bachelor Degree after fulfilling the following conditions:
- A number of credit hours as specified in the major field of study [132 credit hours]
- Achievement of CGPA not less than 2.00
- 2.00 CGPA in the chosen field of major
- Recommended for graduation by the University Faculty and Administration
Upon meeting graduation requirements, those students who have exhibited academic excellence will be awarded the designations to indicate that they have graduated with honors.
To be eligible for these honors, a student must have a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) on credits earned at Skyline University according to the following:
Classes of Degree Cumulative Grade Point GPA Average
First Class Honours 4.50-5.00
Second Class Honour (Upper) 3.50-4.49
Second Class Honour (Lower) 2.40-3.49
Third Class 1.50-2.39
If none of the above FAQs address your information need, kindly send us an email stating your concerns to info@sun.edu.ng
At SUN, we currently offer the courses listed below under SAMSS and SSIT.
S/N | ProgrammeS |
1 | B. Sc. Accounting |
2 | B. Sc. Banking and Finance (not started yet) |
3 | B. Sc. Business Administration |
4 | B. Sc. Entrepreneurship & Innovation |
5 | B. Sc. International Business (not started yet) |
6 | B. Sc. Economics |
7 | B. Sc. Biology |
8 | B. Sc. Microbiology |
9 | B. Sc. Chemistry |
10 | B.Sc. Biochemistry |
11 | B. Sc. Industrial Chemistry |
12 | B. Sc. Mathematics (not started yet) |
13 | B. Sc. Computer Sciences & Information Systems |
14 | B. Sc. Software Engineering |
15 | B. Sc. Physics with Electronics |
16 | B. Sc. Geology |
17 | B. Sc. English (not started yet) |
18 | B. Sc. Political Science (not started yet) |
19 | B. Sc. Journalism & Mass Communication |
20 | B. Sc. International Relations |
Other courses are underway pending accreditation. If you will like us to add any particular course in the future, please write us your suggestions to admissions@sun.edu.ng
SUN conducts following pre-entry exams:
Intending students who met the approved JAMB cut-off mark must take our post UME test as per SUN schedule which will be duly published and disseminated to prospective students who have indicated interest in joining SUN
Prospective students of SUN or general candidates appearing for IELTS Exam can register at SUN either in person or through online. The registration office operates in liaison with IELTS –IDP. It organizes IELTS tests (both Academic and General Training) at regular intervals at SUN.
SUN will communicate students and intending students in English Language through their provided email addresses of any matter of importance that requires their attention. A follow-up SMS are usually sent to prospective students who have provided the contact GSM number.
SUN accepts students who are transferring from a federal or licensed institution in the Nigeria or a foreign institution of higher learning based outside Nigeria and accredited in its home country, are eligible for transfer admission. The student must attend a minimum of 50% (60 credit hours) of their study plan at SUN. In other words, maximum of 20 courses can be offered as transfer of credits to the Programme. The credit hours completed must be equivalent or higher to the corresponding courses offered at SUN.
Transfer of credit of students will take place in 2019/2020 academic year
The transfer of credit process takes 6 working days once the below mentioned documents are completed and handed over to the marketing officer:
- Fill up the Application form for Admission along with TOC application form in SUN, Submit the following TOC Admission entry requirement documents:
- The official transcripts
- Detailed syllabi (Credit Value, Level, detailed course content, learning outcomes/objective and indicative learning resources)
- An official letter from the previous institution
- All documents mentioned in the admission requirements
- Processing fee(nonrefundable and subject to change) must be paid for evaluation
The students seeking admission in Programme of SUN must have passed the courses in his graduation Programme or higher national diploma with a minimum of ‘C’ grade or equivalent. The Programme which the student is studying prior to seeking a transfer must be recognized by the Ministry of Education in their respective country to be eligible for transfer. Maximum credits awarded for transfer admission will be limited to specified courses at SUN. In case credits earned at the original institution are less than those at SUN, the lower credits will be awarded as transfer. No transfer can be awarded for Capstone and protected courses of SUN.
Yes, the degree is acceptable for transfer of credits to other Nigerian universities and even internationally.
Non- Visa Student (Local Student)
a. Application & Registration fee – Non-refundable / Non Transferable
b. First Installment Fee –
i. is refundable before the commencement of the Programmeme the student has enrolled.
ii. No refund is applicable after the commencement of the Programmeme even if the student has not attended the class or is yet to give TOEFL exam or result is still awaited.
iii. If the student wishes to postpone to the next intake before commencement of the batch, the first installment fee can be transferred to the subsequent intake by filling the postponement form without any additional fee. However, if he wishes to postpone for the second time, he has to pay N50,000 as Postponement Fee and New Fee Structure will apply. (This is not applicable for visa, visa-embassy letter & international students)
iv. Postponement fee for the existing/current students is N50,000
v. For student registering after the commencement date of the intake, there will be no refund applicable under any circumstances
vi. If the student transfers his registration to the next intake and decides to cancel his registration in such case, no refund will be applicable on the first installment fees.
vii. If a student fails the TOEFL/IELTS exam after commencement of the class and wishes to discontinue, no refund will be applicable.
c. Tuition Fee
i. The tuition fee will be calculated till the date of official cancellation by the student or their guardian.
d. Scholarship/Fee Waiver/Recommendation
i. If student is on any scholarship/waiver, the same is applicable only if student completes the degree. If the student wishes to cancel the Programmeme in between, fees accrued till the date of cancellation excluding scholarship/fee waiver/recommendation granted must be paid before release of any academic & non-academic documents.
e. Hostel
i. Once hostel is booked and the student wishes to cancel, the student is liable to pay for complete one year.
f. Transportation
i. Transportation fee is to be paid for a minimum period of one month and there is no refund if the student wishes to cancel it in middle of the month.
SUN is a socially responsible organization and therefore offers Academic, sports and need-based scholarship to deserving local & international students. SUN offers scholarships through various state and national scholarship boards, private secondary schools, NGOs and embassies for allocation of scholarship fund to encourage academically but financially weak student to pursue their higher education.
Student results are accessible via their registered account on SUN portal. Each student have his/her password and can log in from anywhere. Parent can always peep into their ward’s performance by requesting the concerned student to allow them access to their portal.
Does SUN offer special assistant to special need students?
SUN believes everyone deserve access to quality education and is open to giving extra attention to students who are physically challenged (provided the school were officially informed prior to admission or after the student experience the limitation).
As a parent, if you feel your ward is weak in a particular subject and need special attention, please, contact our STUDENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT so we can determine the state of your ward, his/her counselling needs as well as make appropriate arrangements to help him/her as the case may be.