The desired goal for every student of higher learning is to achieve academic success in the university. However, the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values acquired in the learning process for every student, are achieved through the rationale of goal setting. Students must learn the art of setting goals that are specific, measurable, realistic, and time-sensitive as it allows them to elevate their study practice, encourage the advancement of their personal work and better manage their professional lives.
Goal settings are very important to success not only in studying for academic endeavours but in all aspects of life. Goals setting helps you to focus on what you wish to achieve and provides you with direction on the steps towards achieving the outcome. Below are some of the strategies for setting academic goals and changing your academic success story.
#1 Make your goals specific:
By this, your goals should be clear and realistic. Realistic goals are the once that take less time and have a high chance of being achieved easily, such as understanding a new course, reviewing a new book, losing weight etc. These goals will help you boost confidence and once you realize you can make specific goals, it will give you the motivation to continue to set other slightly more difficult goals for success.
#2 Set Target Dates & Times:
Having set specific goals, the next important thing is to work out a systematic game plan that can help you get there easily, hence the need for time management and allocating your priority and tasks to pursue what is important to you the most. For example, you can set your semester schedule with corresponding test/exam dates inserted and marked with a deadline. Against this schedule, you can mark your time for one week and show class lectures for the respective week on the following: extracurricular activities, home assignments, preliminary note taking & note making of new lessons for the next day, private tuition (if any), revision and test/exam preparative study.
#3 Take the first step
When you have implemented the first two strategies, it’s time to take the step to action. It is important not to procrastinate. You don’t need to wait until everything is right. Get started now and make adjustments as you go along. Take that first step. If you wait for the moment when everything is in perfect alignment you will never get started. This first step is always the hardest one to take. Once you have made a start the next step will be slightly easier, and the one after that, easier again. This will encourage you to make it as soon as possible, so you quickly begin the journey towards achieving your goals.
#4 Reward yourself
When you complete your goal it is important to reward yourself for this achievement. Look back over your accomplishments and enjoy the satisfaction that success brings. This will train the subconscious mind to focus on activities that produce successful results. Once you have enjoyed your reward, set your next goal, making it bigger and more challenging than the last.