Skyline University Nigeria

Study Skills for Higher Education Students

University life ushers youths into a new world of endless opportunities, thoughts and a myriad of ideas. University education and learning are advanced and an upgrade from secondary education. Unlike secondary or high schools that are preparing grounds for future challenges, the tertiary system focuses on knowledge production through research and creative learning.

Exposure to these new ideas and thoughts or scholarship demands careful crafts of effective studying and learning. This is one of the biggest challenges faced by newbies in the system. Keeping pace with new styles of learning makes it intensely for a large number of students to get good grades in their first year of study.

Apart from consistent attendance in class, styles of studying play the most role in enabling students to have positive results. There is always a depth attached to new knowledge imparted to the students in the university and the same depth, is required from them during tests, class presentations and examinations.


Some important basic skills that come in handy for starters include research, communication and thinking skills. The reason why these are essential is to allow newbies to have a solid foundation in whatever discipline or career path they have chosen. With a firm footing, it will be easy for students to navigate around the academic system with minimum difficulty.

For research skills, students are preferably expected to search for additional information by finding the information, reading books, taking and making notes and sorting information. Thinking skills creatively complement research as it tests understanding, memory skills and how fast you can process information to come up with your own similar thoughts – processing information is also known as critical thinking skills.

Communication skills are very vital. After rigorous research, readings and understanding aided by critical thinking, next is to communicate the new knowledge in either written or oral form. Students who master the art of connecting ideas and communicating them in written formats are likely to excel in their examinations. When coupled with the ability to make excellent presentations in class, their results are awesome.

All these if harnessed can collectively and effectively guide learning for students in higher education institutes, with exciting and memorable experiences.