Skyline University Nigeria

Vice-Chancellor Sensitizes NAPPS (Kano Chapter) on Visionary Leadership in Pre-Varsity Schools

Professor Kota, while delivering his presentation, said there was a need for proprietors of schools to initiate engagement amongst their teachers, enough to sustain quality education amongst the students. “Visionary leadership is the art of seeing things that are invisible to the common eye. It has no limit, it is not bounded by anything, it’s a passion, a belief, planning, executing and taking feedbacks” he stated.

Professor Kota said that the idea of the seminar was about taking initiatives to solve national and global challenges in education, with a conscious effort of driving sustainable educational goals of leaving no one behind. In his words, “Leadership in education is not the same as in business houses: we are responsible for shaping minds for nation buildings”.

With this seminar, Skyline University Nigeria is repositioned to partner with educational institutions to promote innovation and creativity amongst stakeholders of academic enablement not only in the university level but amongst schools in Kano “Let’s take actions that will compel our uniqueness in the quality of graduate we will produce and come up with ideas to be emulated by the teachers in our different institutions”. He remarked.

He positioned that inquisitiveness is the most important in a students’ academic process and students must reach out to acquire additional knowledge with all the resources available. As he puts it, “inquisitiveness points students toward the knowledge, skills, relationships, and experiences that they need to live a full and productive lives”. He further advised that the proprietors/proprietress of schools support inquisitive students who are hungry for knowledge.

While responding to questions from the audience at the seminar, Professor Kota said every teacher should think like a leader. He emphasized that the road may not be smooth and many may not appreciate it now, but in due time, they will accept. He added that like-minded people are not always easy to find but with determination, others will recognize the efforts and quality of their vision and join to build a better education for the youngster. He emphasized on trust as the most important quality to build leadership.

Giving the closing remark, the Chairman of NAPPS, Kano Division, Alh. Mohammadu M. Adamu appreciated the management of Skyline University Nigeria for the enthusiasm in driving educational related matters. He pledged the continued support of NAPPS towards a robust execution of the key issued addressed at the seminar. He added that the whole essence of learning is to teach what one has acquired to others.