Administration, Registration and Examination

The Administration, Registration and Examination department are responsible for managing the academic and academic support operations of the university that comply with National Universities Commission (NUC) guidelines. The activities include: planning & executing academic operations, registrations and examinations necessary for academic progression of students and assist faculty members in planning their operations. It is also aimed at enabling coordination with learning support services to facilitate a conducive learning environment in the institution. The department is responsible for maintaining student records and facilitating regular counselling for academic progression. It is responsible for maintaining overall academic and behavioural discipline of students as per the policy and releases the institutional calendar for the academic year, which guides the operations of SUN.
Formal examinations form a major part of the overall assessment of student performance in Skyline University Nigeria (SUN). Examinations are scheduled twice in a session i.e. Fall Semester and Spring Semester examinations. The examination calendar details the number of courses, venues and the dates in which the course examinations have to be conducted during the semester.
SUN operates a combination of continuous assessment and final term examination system with the following weightings:
- Continuous Assessment - 40%
- Final Term Examination - 60%
The continuous assessment component consists of any combinations of take-home assignments, class quizzes or tests, term papers, project works etc. This component gives students the chance to demonstrate their abilities on a wider variety of learning tasks and a broader variety of work environments than is possible under formal examination conditions.
- To facilitate and plan the operations of academic and academic support services within the policy framework of NUC
- To ensure a non-discriminatory learning atmosphere
- To register and maintain students' records safely and confidentially
- To plan and conduct fair examinations and declare the results timely
- To provide appropriate academic and student information to various departments and decision-makers.
i. Class planning & student attendance
ii. Review of curriculum structure
iii. Preparation of institutional calendar and scheduling for faculty & students
iv. Preparation of academic checklist and preparation of fact sheet
v. Preparation of teaching load and monitoring academic progression
vi. Preparation of operational checklist and monitoring student academic performance
vii. Handling various students request and preparation of student handbook
viii. Preparation of enrollment guidelines
ix. Preparation of seat allocation and monitoring student academic performance
x. Preparation of policy and procedures
xi. Review of graduating students and conduct of graduation ceremony.
i. Verifying admission entry requirements
ii. Audit of student files
iii. Registration of students into PG programmes
iv. Enrollment and student batch creation
v. Review of registration checklist
vi. Maintaining the students records [Academic/Financial/Administrative]
vii. Electronic database and backups
viii. Updating student data
ix. Audit of graduating files.
i. Conduct of examinations
ii. Review of assessment mark entry
iii. Collection of papers from the faculty
iv. Conduct of final exams
v. Review and forward invigilation schedules
vi. Reviewing of all appeals
vii. Publication of results
viii. Preparation of all kinds of certificates.
After receiving the admission file from the Marketing department, the registration department audits the file for the fulfillment of documents required for registration into SUN. The registration department registers the students with all the necessary documents as per the available registration checklist (mentioned below). In case of documents being incomplete or not submitted the file is returned to Marketing department for fulfilling the requirements. Registration department will verify the following:
- Student application form is dully filled and verified
- Passport (copy; minimum of 6 months validity)
- Passport sized photograph
- National photo ID (either one of the valid proofs):
- Driving License
- National ID
- Voters Card
- Post UME result
- JAMB result
- High school
- WAEC (online verification)
- NECO (online verification)
- IGCSE, GCE, GCSE O'Level Attested Certificate (for fresh admissions – Level 100)
- Direct Entry: Attested certificates
- A'Level & AS'Level
- HND or any other approved curriculum (for Direct Entry admissions (DE)).
- Official Transcript attested by the university registrar
- Detailed syllabi (Credit Value, Level, Course Content etc.)
- Course description
- TOC application form
- Fees as applicable
- TOC application form
- TOC: Attested certificates
- Official Transcript attested by the university registrar
- Detailed syllabi (Credit Value, Level, Course Content Etc.)
- Course description
- TOC application form
- Official letter from previous institution
- Fees as applicable
- Students certificate authenticity check form
International Student Application: International admission student needs to do the following documentation:
- Placement test form or proof of result to be verified
- Signature of the enrollment officer & student
- Payment receipt
- Additional documents required from international students
- VISA application form to be duly filled and required documents to be verified, if applicable.
- Undertaking form for non-submission of Visa page
- Visa student detail forms
- Hostel forms
- Guardian details form
- Visa processing form
- Guardian authorization letter
- Accreditation of the university/school
- Police clearance
- Yellow fever vaccination (where applicable)
- Oral polio vaccination (where applicable)
- Undertaking forms dully filled, if applicable.
- Undertaking - Visa page
- Undertaking - Passport page
- Undertaking - Non Submission of Attested Higher / Senior Secondary School Certificate
- Undertaking - Non Submission of Green Card
- Undertaking - Non Submission of Attested A – Level Certificate
- Undertaking - Non Submission of Attested AS - Level from IGCSE/GCE/GCSE Board certificate
- Undertaking - Non Submission of Attested O - Level from IGCSE/GCE/GCSE Board certificate
- Undertaking -Non submission of TOFEL/IELTS/CES /PET/ IESOL Result
- Undertaking - IB Diploma
- Undertaking for Scholarship / Fee Waiver/Recommendation grant.
If a candidate does not fulfill the basic entry requirement as per the registration checklist the registration will be rejected. The registration will also be rejected under the following conditions:
- In case of non-submission of documents required by SUN not fulfilling the criteria above will be rejected
- In case of submission of any forged documents for admission
- In case of non-attestation of degree certificates submitted for admission
- Any information received from the parent organization regarding the irregularities in the documents submitted
- Criminal charge(s) are proven against the student at the time of admission
- In case of non-submission of WAEC/NECO/ IGCSE,/IB/GCSE /OND/HND/ IJMB /NCE etc.
- In case of non-submission of JAMB results
- In case of non-submission of application fees
- In case of non-submission of National ID/ International travelling passport
- In case of non-submission of TOC entry transcripts.
Admission kit would be given to fresh students during students’ first orientation day by the Admin Department. The Admin officer will issued the kit to students as per the check list below:
- Student ID card
- Student portal access
- Wi-fi password
- Access to mobile application
- Invoices and fee structure
- Scholarship/Fee Waiver letter
- VISA documents (for International student only)
- Hostel information
- Transportation Information
- Orientation and Handbook
- List of Advisors
- Semester textbooks
- Access Tag/RFID Card
- Whom to contact list
- List of admission requirements documents.
SUN has an examination section under the administration department. The section assists faculty members to conduct continuous mode of assessments and to conduct centralized midterm and final exams. The section is responsible in all the preparations leading to a smooth conduct of exams, quality check, evaluation of scripts, processing of results, conducting exam board meetings, finalizing and declaring results. Any appeals for the grades are also managed by this section.
- Student - any person officially enrolled in a unit of study or course taught jointly between the College and any other institution
- Examination hall - any place in which a College examination shall be or is being conducted
- During an examination - the period of time from the start of an examination until its conclusion including time allowed for reading an examination paper
- Moderation is a quality assurance process that ensures appropriate standards:
- It is a process for ensuring that marks or grades are awarded appropriately and consistently
- Moderation involves checking and reviewing assessment schemes, items and assessor judgments
- It is essentially a form of feedback for markers/faculty to help them align their marking standards with those of other markers.
These rules and regulations, where appropriate, will also apply outside an examination room.
Role of examination committee: Exam committee shall oversee the planning, executing and facilitating evaluation of the exam answer scripts; usually it is applicable for midterm exams, final and mitigation exams. The committee shall be comprised of the chair of the committee, Dean’s and two nominated faculty members, Registrar and examination section representative. The tenure of the examination committee is for a period of two years.
I. Planning and Execution:
- To ensure smooth conduct of examination during the centralize examination (mid-term and final examinations)
- Administration forwards invigilators requirements to the Committee
- Verification of the availability of full time, semester & part-time faculty during the examination period from HRD
- Assign the invigilation duty as per the teaching load assigned for the week
- Equally distribute invigilator 1 & invigilator 2 fairly
- For the part-time faculty members, the assignment of the invigilation duty is on the days of their class schedule
- A faculty member with administrative position should be given release/reduced duty allocation considering the nature of their responsibilities
- Faculty members with the extra load will be allocated extra invigilation duties
- Disseminating the role of invigilator’s duties
- The orientation of the examination to be carried out
- Invigilation schedule to be sent to all the invigilators 1 week before the exam
- Any adjustments in the invigilation duty should be informed to HRD/chair of the examination committee well in advance
- In case of emergency, the faculty member should inform the Dean and the Registrar to arrange for an alternative invigilator however this should be avoided
- Courses that require viva or presentation are identified for the semester. Subject experts other than the faculty teaching members are identified and assigned Panelists responsibilities
- Organizing quality checks for the Question papers and Answer schemes
- Formatting of the question papers and answer schemes
- Ensuring timely printing of the question papers
- Orientation to the invigilators
- Ensuring the availability of the material required for the examination to the respective venues.
II. Facilitating evaluations:
- Timely distribution of answer sheets to the respective examiners
- Collection of the answer scripts after corrections
- Posting of the grades in the ERP
- The role of the examination committee is to plan, organize and implement the activities given below:
- From the institutional calendar, the exam week/dates are cross-checked
- The number of courses that require exams, viva, presentation etc. are assessed
- Main and resit Exam schedules for all the Courses are planned for midterm and final exams as required
- The exam schedule is sent for approval of the Dean
- The approved schedule is disseminated to finance, computers, administration and faculty 3 weeks in advance.
- Coordinate with HRD to assess the number of faculty available during the midterm, final and resit exams
- Any request from the faculty members for adjustments in exam schedule is assessed
- Invigilation schedule is prepared as per the teaching load assigned to full time and part time faculty members
- Proper orientation for invigilators is carried out.
- Courses that require viva or presentation are identified for the semester
- Subject experts other than the faculty teaching members are identified
- Panelists are assigned courses based on the expertise
- An evaluation sheet is finalized
- Orientation is carried out along with the faculty member
- A performance report is collected.
- They should not communicate, under any circumstance whatsoever, with other students
- They should not answer, under any circumstance what so ever, communications from other students
- Students should not copy from one another under any circumstance
- Students should not get involved in misconducts of any kind
- They should not enter into any conversation whilst in the examination hall before and/or during the examination
- They should not leave their seats without the permission of an invigilator
- Students should not carry mobiles or any electronic gadgets in the examination hall during the examination. It should be deposited at designated places for such
- They should not carry any written material, slips, papers etc., whether relevant or irrelevant into the examination hall
- Any student requiring special arrangements or seating should put in an application to the Student Services Department at least 48 hours before the examination.
Regular and re-sit results will be made available to students in the form of grade report every semester after ratification by board of examiners within 7 working days after the last examination conducted. Students will be notified about the date of re-sit examination after the release of the regular results.
The result will highlight marks and grades obtained in course/s and students grade point average at the time of declaration of results.
Regular and re-sit results in the form of grade reports will be published at the end of the academic year after ratification by the award board of examiners. Regular results will notify re-sit examinations dates for a student eligible for re-sits or grade D students wishing to undertake grade improvements.
The result will highlight marks and grades obtained in courses, cumulative grade point average at the time of declaration of results. Student's progression and/or award status as recommended by the award board of examiners will be communicated to students through a letter by the examination department.
Results for short course/unscheduled courses will be submitted by faculty to the examination office within one week of the conduct of the final examination. Registrar in consultation with Exam board, will ratify the results. The Board reserves the right to approve or reject failures in consultation with the faculty who has taught the course.
The authority of the board on the results cannot be reviewed or challenged. Results for short/unscheduled courses will be published within 10 days of the conduct of an examination and will be made available to students in the form of grade report. A copy of the result will be provided to the administration department to personally call and advise the students.
- Examination results (includes other forms of assessment such as coursework marks, module marks, interim tests) are personal data and therefore shall not be disclosed to third parties without consent of the student.
- Under the Data Protection Act, the University has an obligation to explain to students where their results may be published and to provide a mechanism through which they can object to their results being displayed in all or any particular form (includes email notification for class lists). The Registry will undertake to email students to explain where, and how, students might expect to see their results published.
- Though under the data protection act, results are not published for general public to view. The university feels responsible to share the results and the academic performance of the students to their sponsors and the parents. However, a student does not want the results to be declared to them then they are required to submit an undertaking signed by the parents and/or sponsors.
- As there is no sure way of confirming the identity of a caller, the risk of unauthorized disclosure of examination results over the telephone is high. Therefore, examination results shall never be released over the telephone.
- All students receive confirmation of their results within 48 hours by SMS and some departments have adopted the practice of emailing students’ results to them. Whatever method of disclosure is chosen, it is important to manage student expectations carefully
- Publication of results on the Internet represents a transfer outside of the University rules and Practice and could potentially be in breach in Principle. Explicit consent shall be sought from students where it is intended to publish results on the Internet.
A List of candidates who are deemed eligible and have met all requirements for graduation shall be laid before the Academic Board for approval.
No award shall be confirmed unless the Academic Board is satisfied that the candidate has satisfied all the conditions for the award of a degree/diploma.
Following confirmation of an award of a degree/diploma, the candidate shall be entitled to be awarded a certificate of appropriate Bachelor Degree/Diploma/Certificate under the seal of the University at a congregation of the University assembled for that purpose.
SUN uses letter grades and numerical weightings corresponding to the letter grades. The numerical weightings reflect the quality of performance. Grading of courses is carried out by a combination of percentage marks and letter grades translated into a graduated system of Grade Point Equivalents (GPE). For the purpose of determining a student’s standing at the end of every semester, the Grade Point Average (GPA) system shall be used. The GPA is computed by dividing the Total number of Credit Points (TCP) by the Total Number of Units (TCU) for all the courses taken in the semester. Values of GPA range from 0 – 5.
Total raw scores (combination of continuous assessment and end of semester examination) are converted according to the following scheme:
Letter Grade | Grade Range | Grade Points | Defining Points |
A | 70 – 100 | 5 | Distinction |
B | 60 – 69 | 4 | Upper credit |
C | 50 – 59 | 3 | Lower credit |
D | 45 – 49 | 2 | Pass |
F | Below 45 | 0 | Fail |
W |
| Withdrawal |
I |
| Incomplete |
Degree Classification
Undergraduate degrees are classified according to the candidate’s Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA). For the purpose of calculating a student’s CGPA in order to determine the class of degree to be awarded, grades obtained in all the courses; whether compulsory or optional, passed or failed, must be included in the computation. Even when a student repeats the same course once or more before passing it, or substitutes another course for a failed optional course, grades scored at each and all attempts shall be included in the computation of the GPA.
The classes of degree to be awarded therefore will depend on the CGPA obtained. The following classes of degree are approved for the indicated GPA.
The performance of a student in a semester will be reported by the GPA, while the overall performance at the end of a session (and/or at any point in his/her study Programme) will be reported by the CGPA.
Classes of Degree | Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) |
First Class Honours | 4.50 – 5.00 |
Second Class Honours (Upper) | 3.50 – 4.49 |
Second Class Honours (Lower) | 2.40 – 3.49 |
Third Class | 1.50 – 2.39 |
No degree awarded | 0.00 – 1.49 |
Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)
The CGPA is the up-to-date mean GPA of a student's performance across all the semesters he/she has sat for exams. The CGPA is a cumulative GPA evaluation; it is computed by dividing the cumulative total number of credit points (CCP) by the cumulative credit units registered (CCUR) for all the semesters registered so far. Values of CGPA range from 0 – 5.
- A weighted Grade Point shall be determined for the performance in each course by multiplying the Grade Point obtained in the course by the credit load of the course, except that all incomplete courses shall be ignored
- A Grade Point Average (GPA) shall be calculated for a semester by adding up the weighted Grade Points obtained in all the courses offered in the semester and dividing the sum by the total value of the credits of all the courses, except those graded as incomplete
- CGPA shall be calculated by adding the weighted Grade Points obtained in all the courses offered by the student in all the semesters up to the end of a given session (or up to a particular point in a student’s Programme) and dividing the sum by the total value of the credits of all the courses registered by the student in all semesters, ignoring credits of courses graded ‘Incomplete’.
GPA and CGPA shall be rounded to two place of decimal. A value of 0.05 or higher shall cause the number in the second decimal place to be increased by one, while a value of less than 0.05 shall be discarded.
The examination regulations for School of Basic Medical Sciences (SBMS) are made in accordance with, and subject to the general provisions of the regulations by National Universities Commission (NUC) which is also adapted by Skyline University Nigeria (SUN).
Eligibility: In order to be admitted to take part in the examination leading to a degree in SBMS, a student is required to complete satisfactorily the courses, practicals, assignments or project that are laid down for the relevant parts of the Programme of studies. For a student to be allowed to sit for any exams he/she must have a minimum of 75% attendance. For those in the clinical levels (Levels 400, 500 & 600), a final comprehensive examination with the participation of both internal and external examiners will be conducted at the end of every academic session.
- Continuous Assessment: 40%
- End-of-Semester Examination: 60%
The Continuous Assessment component consists of take-home assignments, class quizzes and tests, term papers and project works. This component gives students the chance to demonstrate their abilities on a wider variety of learning tasks and a broader variety of work environments than is possible under formal examination conditions. For example, through continuous assessment, students can learn the values and processes of teamwork, plan and solve real-life problems.
Letter Grade | Grade Range |
A | 70 – 100 |
B | 60 – 69 |
C | 50 – 59 |
F | Below 50 |
W | |
I |
Grade Point Average (GPA)
Every Course/subject/module carries a fixed number of Credit Units (CU). Quality points (QP) are derived from multiplying the Credit Units (CU) for a course by the Grade Point (GP) earned by the student in that course.
E.g. If in a 3 Credit Unit course, a student scores 63% which is a B with a Grade Point of 4, the Quality points for the student in that course is: 3 x 4 = 12.
Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)
CGPA is derived by adding the Total Quality Points (TQP) for all semesters to date and dividing it by the Total Credit Units (TCU) for all semesters to date.
E.g. If a student earns a QP of 56 for 18 CU in the first semester and earns a QP of 67 for 20 CU in the second semester, His CGPA is TQP/TCU = (56 + 67) / (18 + 20) = 123/38 = 3.24
Below is a detailed example of how to calculate GPA and CGPA.
First Year, First Semester:
Course Code | Credit Unit (CU) | Letter Grade | Grade Point (GP) | Quality Point (QP) = CU x GP |
ANA1301 | 3 | B | 4 | 12 |
ANA1201 | 2 | C | 3 | 6 |
BIO1101 | 1 | C | 3 | 3 |
ANA1403 | 4 | B | 4 | 16 |
ANA1501 | 5 | A | 5 | 25 |
ANA1205 | 2 | D | 2 | 4 |
Total | 17 | 66 |
QP = 66, CU = 17, TQP = 66, TCU = 17
GPA = QP/CU = 66/17 = 3.88
CGPA = TQP/TCU = 66/17 = 3.88
First Year, Second Semester:
Course Code | Credit Unit (CU) | Letter Grade | Grade Point (GP) | Quality Point (QP) = CU x GP |
ANA1502 | 5 | E | 1 | 5 |
ANA1402 | 4 | D | 2 | 8 |
BIO1504 | 5 | B | 4 | 20 |
ANA1304 | 3 | F | 0 | 0 |
ANA2306 | 3 | A | 5 | 15 |
Total | 20 | 48 |
QP = 48, CU = 20, TQP = 66 + 48 = 114, TCU = 17 + 20 = 37
GPA = QP/CU = 48/20 = 2.40
CGPA = TQP/TCU = 114/37 = 3.08
This Procedure is repeated for the following years until the final year in school (graduation).
Students graduating from any Programme in SBMS will be graduating with an unclassified degree certificate (implying that certificate will not carry first class, second class or any forms of classification). Students’ CGPAs will only reflect on their transcript whenever requested.
NB: For further details about SBMS grading system, you may forward an email to the Dean of SBMS; or visit the department's exams officer for any challenge(s) experienced during the above calculation.
Students are classified according to the number of Credit hours satisfactorily completed.
- Freshman 0 – 36 Credit hours
- Sophomore 37 – 72 Credit hours
- Junior 73 – 99 Credit hours
- Senior 100 and above credit hours.
The academic standing of a student is determined by the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA). The minimum tolerable CGPA is 1.50. A student with CGPA below 1.50 will fall under warning, probation or withdrawal as the case may be.
A student is warned if his/her CGPA drops below the minimum tolerable level (CGPA <1.50 for SAMSS and SSIT, while for SBMS it is below 49 grade range) for the first time. This warning is usually in the form of verbal advice, and the student should be made fully aware of the implication of dropping below the minimum tolerable CGPA in the next semester examinations.
A student is placed on probation if his/her CGPA drops below the minimum tolerable level for two consecutive semesters (CGPA less than 1.50) for SAMSS and SSIT while for SBMS it is below 49 grade range.
The university uses the term withdrawal to formally indicate that a student has been dropped from the particular Programme s/he is studying in the Department. Withdrawal from any Programme shall be recommended from the Departmental Board to the Senate through the Faculty Board on any of the following grounds:
- Failure to register within the time set by the university for registration
- Failure to pass the probation limit of at least 1.50 CGPA after the probation period
- Failure to sit for the entire examination in a complete semester without any acceptable reason
- Failure to attend classes for a period which exceeds 30 conservative days except with an approved reason
- Failure to complete the Programme of study within the specified period (semesters) laid down for the Programme
- An eminent failure that a student will not be able to graduate within his/her remaining period of study, even if s/he is to register all the remaining credits and pass
- Failure to satisfy any other university, faculty or departmental regulation (safety, misconduct, character etc.).
If a student is advised to withdraw from a particular programme, s/he may seek fresh admission into the university through the normal admission process. However, if s/he is readmitted, s/he cannot transfer/claim any credit earned from the previous Programme s/he was withdrawn from.
A student may be expelled on the basis of established case of examination misconduct or any actions likely to cause a breach of peace. Such actions include: cultism, vandalism or gross misconduct as may be determined by the laws of the university. Such a student will however have the opportunity to defend him/herself before the Students’ Disciplinary Committee. Once a student is expelled from the university, he has no opportunity of being re-admitted to the university again.
It is required by the university that all its students at undergraduate levels should take and pass all prescribed courses for them to graduate. In addition, the Senate of the university shall award degrees to only the students who have been found worthy in character and learning. Therefore, students should not be involved in such acts of gross misconduct as: examination malpractice, convicted criminal offences and membership of secret cults or any organization proscribed by the university Senate or council or Nigerian government.
Students are required to complete their studies in not more than one and a half times the duration of the Programme to qualify for an honour’s degree, except in cases of ill-health or any other valid reason as may be acceptable to the Senate. Students who absent themselves for a whole academic session without a genuine reason would be deemed to have withdrawn from the university, irrespective of their CGPA. Students, for good reason and with the approval of the Senate and upon recommendation by the Head of Department and Dean, may defer their study for a semester or an academic session.
Undergraduate Programmes
Undergraduate students are required to undertake the following as mandatory requirements for graduation from the University:
- Students must take and pass courses specified and offered including industrial attachment where applicable by a faculty/department before graduating
- Students must submit a research project which shall, as much as possible, develop the research skills of students.
The minimum pass mark is 45% (F) for SAMSS/SSIT courses offered. For SBMS it is 50% grade range courses offered in the University.
- A student is allowed to carryover a course in which he failed at the next available opportunity to obtain the minimum pass grade and all shall count towards the computation of their CGPA
- Students shall earn not less than 132 credit units for Programmes of 4-years duration, not less than 150 credit units for Programmes of 5-years duration, and not less than 180 credit units for Programmes of 6-years duration. These must be strictly spread at a minimum of 15 credit units at each semester or 30 credit units at each level of study
- Students directly entering at 200 level can graduate with 36 credit units less than what is specified above for their respective Programmes.
Students who transfer from one Programme to another or from another university may be credited with those credit units earned which are relevant to the curriculum of the new Programme.
Students’ performance on a course, at all levels, is recorded in letter grades.
- The number of grade points for each course completed by a student is computed by multiplying the number of credit units for the course by the grade point equivalent of the grade s/he obtained in that course
- At the end of each semester when the grades for all courses have been computed, each student’s cumulative grade point average is calculated by dividing the total number of grade points obtained by the total number of units of all degree courses for which the student has registered
- Computation of units and grades would start from 100 level or 200 level, depending on the point of admission into the university so that the cumulative grade point average at graduation is for the entire course.
For a student to be in good academic standing at Skyline University, s/he must obtain a minimum CGPA of 1.50 for SAMSS and SSIT, while for SBMS it is 50% grade range and above at the end of each session. A student who fails to do so will be placed on academic probation. If at the end of the probation year his/her CGPA still falls below 1.50 for SAMSS and SSIT, or less that 49% grade point for SBMS, such a student will be advised to withdraw from the Programme for which s/he is registered without prejudice to being admitted into another programme in the university.
Q: What are the SUN campus resources?
A: SUN campus is well equipped with the learning and extracurricular resources like: classrooms with audio-visual equipment, smart boards, computer labs, printing & photocopying center, LMS portal services, cafeteria services, hostel, library, wireless services, first-aid services, football & volleyball pitch, basketball, badminton, lawn tennis courts, recreation zone with football, table tennis and snooker.
Q: List of departments in SUN?
A: Academics; Administration, Registration & Examination Department; Student Service Department (SSD); Human Resource Department (HRD); Library; Computing (IT) Department; Marketing Department; Finance Department; Sports; Institutional Research and Quality Assurance (IRQA) Department; Media and Communication Department (MCD), Maintenance Department; Corporate Affairs Office (CAO); and Center for Continuing Learning (CCL).
Q: What is a student portal?
A: A student portal is a channel of communication between students and the university, located on SUN website. It can be used to access class attendance, assessments and results online. The academic profile, academic advisor and the events of the university can also be accessed through the LMS portal.
Q: For my academic concerns, who do I contact?
A: For your academic concerns you can contact an Academic Advisor.
Q: For my development studies and tutorials, who do I contact?
A: For your development studies and tutorials, you can contact the Faculty Members.
Q: For my books and other supplies, who do I contact?
A: For your books and other supplies, you can contact the library.
Q: For my computing and network problems, who do I contact?
A: For your computing and network problems you can contact the IT Department.
Q: For sports related queries, who do I contact?
A: For sports related queries you can contact the Sports Department.
Q: How will I know my course and graduation plan?
A: You can know your course and graduation plan on the student’s portal or contact Admin. Department.
Q: How can I register for a course?
A: The Registration Department will enroll students as per their graduation plan.
Q: Does the university reject any application?
A: Yes, application/registration are rejected under the following conditions:
- In cases of non-submission of documents required by the institution or government authorities
- In cases of submission of any forged documents for admission
- In cases of non-attestation of High School certificates submitted for admission
- Any information received from the parent organization regarding the irregularities in the documents submitted
- Criminal charge(s) proven against the student at any point in time
- Undertaking cases not meeting the deadline.
Q: Where can I find all the institutional calendars?
A: You can find your institutional calendars on student’s portal, website and the university notice board.
Q: What are the various channels through which I can communicate in SUN?
A: You can communicate through the Student Portal, Advisor, Admin and the SSD Counter.
Q: What are the admission requirements for Postgraduate Programmes?
A: 1.1 General Admission Requirements:
To be considered for admission into any postgraduate programme of SUN, the applicant shall:
(i) Satisfy the general University requirements as well as any special requirements for admission into the programme of interest
(ii) Complete the application form on the University portal and ensure that the information submitted are accurate
(iii) Provide all relevant documents, including certificates of degrees and/or diplomas, academic transcripts, reference letters etc. as specified on the application form
(iv) Request and ensure that all institutions attended process and forward official academic transcripts (undergraduate and/or postgraduate) to the School of Postgraduate Studies (SPGS). Transcripts must be received directly from the applicant’s institution
(v) Provide the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) discharge, exemption or exclusion certificate if he/she is a Nigerian citizen.
1.2 Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) Programme
To be considered for admission into the Postgraduate diploma (PGD) programme, an applicant shall have:
(i) Bachelor’s Degree, not less than third class Division in the same or related discipline from SUN or a university recognized by the Senate
(ii) Bachelor’s Degree with at least Second Class lower division in an unrelated discipline may be considered
(iii) Higher National Diploma (HND) with a minimum of Lower Credit
(iv) Applicants with relevant professional qualifications may be considered. In addition, a candidate shall obtain Credit passes in at least five (5) subjects, including English Language and Mathematics, at O’Level examination of WAEC/NECO/NABTEB.
1.3 Master’s Degree Programme
To be considered for admission into Master’s (MBA. and M.Sc.) degree programmes of SUN, an applicant shall have:
(i) Bachelor’s degree in relevant discipline with at least Second-Class lower division from SUN or any other university recognized by the Senate
(ii) Postgraduate diploma (PGD) with a minimum CGPA of 3.5 in addition to a bachelor’s degree (minimum of Third-Class division) or HND (minimum of Lower Credit) in a relevant discipline
(iii) Applicants with relevant professional qualifications such as ACA, ICAN, ACIB, etc., who do not have either B.Sc. degree or HND, would need to obtain the relevant PGD before applying for the professional Master’s programme of the University such as MBA.
1.4 Ph.D. Degree Programme
To qualify for admission into the Ph.D. degree programme of SUN, an applicant shall possess:
(i) Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees [B.Sc. & M.Sc.] in the relevant discipline obtained from SUN or any other university recognized by the Senate
(ii) Applicants with CGPA of 3.50 on a 5.0-Point scale or equivalent in the Master’s programme will be eligible for Ph.D. programme
(iii) Applicants with less than 3.50 CGPA on a 5.0-Point scale or equivalent in their Master’s programme will be eligible for an MPhil/Ph.D. programme
(iv) Applicants with professional Master’s degrees shall not be eligible for direct Ph.D. programmes but however may be considered for an MPhil/Ph.D. programme if found worthy by the SPGS.
Q: What is an Academic Year and what is the duration of a postgraduate degree?
A: The Academic Year at SUN comprises of Fall and Spring semesters. The duration of the postgraduate degree, (M.Sc.) is two (2) Academic Sessions, and postgraduate Ph.D. is three (3) Academic sessions.
Q: What is a provisional/conditional admission and if I am admitted how soon I will get confirmation?
A: Students will be placed on provisional/conditional admission due to the following reason and the student has to submit the documents within first semester:
- Academic Transcript
Q: When do I get an admission kit?
A: Admission kit is issued mainly to the students once they are enrolled for the programme.
The kit gives the student a clear idea about his/her admission status, academic programme, class timing, guidance on portal usage, Portal username and password, car sticker details, ID card, graduation plan and fee payment plan.
Q: Will continuing students’ admission kit change due to any circumstance?
A: Admission kit will change on the condition of: re-activated students.
Q: What is a student handbook?
A: Student handbook is a ready reckoner that guides students to understand the academic and academic support service policies and procedures, semester wise course plan, examination calendar, academic calendar and whom to approach for services. The student handbook enables students to plan their academic operations, leave and participation in activities for self-development. You can find your student handbook on the student’s portal.
Q: How can I make a student request?
A: Students can make a request through the portal or the SSD.
Q: How can I withdraw a course?
A: Withdrawal of a course(s) can be done within the first week of the commencement of a semester, with a maximum number of two courses. [Not applicable for students under SUN Visa/Visa Letter, Sponsored students].
Q: What is a class schedule?
A: A class schedule details the courses offered for the batches during the semester. It contains details such as: classroom, class timings, faculty member name, batch and the course name.
Q: In what case(s) will my access to the student’s portal be denied?
A: Access to the portal for students is denied in case of non-adherence to SUN policy & procedures. It can be reactivated by contacting the concerned department and complying with their requirements.
Q: If I want to postpone my course, what is the policy?
A: Students may postpone a semester only once in an academic year and maximum twice during the graduation programme. The postponement form should be filled within two weeks of commencement of a semester only under mitigation circumstances.
Q: If I want to repeat a course, what is the policy?
A: A student who scores less than ‘A’ grade in any course will be allowed to repeat that course, and the better of the two grades shall be considered for calculating the CGPA. Students are allowed to repeat a course only twice.
Q: What is the attendance requirement?
A: For undergraduate students, 75% attendance [Negative 25%] is a must to appear for the final exam.
Q: How can I access the policies of the University?
A: You can check your student handbook for the university policies. It is also available on the student portal.
Q: What is hall ticket?
A: Hall ticket is the exam admission slip issued to the students to appear in the mid-term and final exams. The student has to carry the hall ticket and produce on demand in the examination hall. It contains the student’s name, programme, DOB, gender, photo, course ID, student ID, exam date, course code and course name.
Q: From where can I get my exam timing and schedule?
A: Examination schedules along with the Mid-Term & Final examination dates will be announced within/before the start of the semester, and will be displayed on the SUN website, student portal and university notice board.
Q: If I miss an exam, can I re-appear, and what are the policies?
A: Yes, the student can re-appear for the exam only in cases of the mitigation policy, to excuse the absence of student(s) that may have resulted from the following causes only:
- Accident
- In case of death of an immediate family member
- Hospitalization.
The student is required to use the mitigating circumstance form available in the portal to file their appeal for consideration of mitigating circumstances along with necessary documentation.
Q: How do I check my semester progress and grades?
A: Students can check their grades and progress on the student portal.
Q: What is the mode of assessment for courses?
A: A student’s performance is assessed in each registered course out of 100 marks. The mode of assessment depends on the course in which students appear. This includes assignments, quizzes, research work, case studies and presentations.
Q: What is the Grade Point classification of SUN?
A: GRADE POINT CLASSIFICATION – Undergraduate Programmes
Letter Grade | Grade Range | Grade Points | Defining Points |
A | 70 – 100 | 5 | DISTINCTION |
B | 60 – 69 | 4 | UPPER CREDIT |
C | 50 – 59 | 3 | LOWER CREDIT |
D | 45 – 49 | 2 | PASS |
F | Below 44 | 0 | FAIL |
Q: What is SAP?
A: Satisfactory Academic Progression (SAP)
All Students enrolled at SUN shall be monitored very carefully for quality academic works during their study at SUN. A freshman student will be evaluated at the end of spring semester for good academic standing and thereafter the academic progression will be reviewed every semester.
Q: What are academic integrity offenses?
A: The following are the academic offenses recognized by SUN:
- Paraphrasing materials or ideas of others without identifying the sources
- Using sources of information (published or unpublished) without identifying the source
- Directly quoting the words of others without using quotation marks or indented formats to identify them
- Detection of such plagiarism based on plagiarism software is also included.
Presenting false credentials:
It is an act of submitting misleading certificates/documents/information like presenting false medical excuses, change of identity, presenting falsified certificates.
- Using material not permitted by the faculty during exams, including stored information on electronic devices
- Copying answers from another student on exams or assignments
- Altering graded exams or assignments and submitting them for re-grading
- Submitting the same paper for two classes
- Altering exam answers and requesting that an exam be re-graded
- Cooperating with or helping another student
- Fabricating information such as data for a computer lab exam
- Other forms of dishonest behaviours, such as having another person take an exam in your place
- Any other act of indiscipline during an examination.
Facilitating Academic Dishonesty:
- Allowing another student to copy an assignment or problem set that is supposed to be done individually
- Allowing another student copy answers during an exam
- Taking an exam or completing an assignment for another student.
- Is an agreement between two or more persons when ‘Not Allowed’
- The work that has been done with others is submitted and passed off as solely the work of one person
- Working with others without permission from your faculty to produce work which is then presented as your own independent work.
Fabrication of Data:
The falsification of data, information, or citations in any formal academic exercise.
This includes making up citations to back up arguments or inventing quotations. Fabrication predominates in the natural sciences, where students sometimes falsify data to make experiments "work". It includes data falsification, in which false claims are made about research performed, including selective submitting of results to exclude inconvenient data to generating bogus data.
Q: What is the course of action for academic integrity?
A: The following are the courses of action that may be recommended based on the severity of offense:
- A strict warning to be issued to the student against committing an academic offense in future and imposing deduction of marks on the piece of assessment, excluding midterm and the final examination.
- Record a mark of zero for the piece of assessed work or examinations
- Record a mark of zero for every assessment made within the course
- Record a mark of zero for every assessment mode for all courses during the concerned academic year
- Debar from the university for the concerned academic year. Allow no re-assessment or re-course and no refund of tuition fees
- Debar from the university. Allow no re-enrollment and no refund of tuition fees.
Q: What is Project, and its policies?
A: Project is an integral part of the curriculum in UNDERGRADUATE programmes. The objective of Project is to enable the student to conduct an independent research on a business problem. The Project trains the student to understand the various conceptual frameworks, models and the tools & techniques of research that are used in conducting a business research. It prepares students to review literature, formalize proposals, define objectives, collect/collate data, analyze and report findings.
Project is a 3 Credit course offered at the Senior Level. The Project course is offered by students who meet the qualitative and quantitative requirements of academic standing, and must have completed the prerequisite course(s) on ‘Business Research Methods’.
Q: What is Transcript, and its policies?
A: Transcripts can be issued only after marks/grades have been ratified by the subject/award board of examiners. Normally, transcripts will be issued after the end of each academic year to students.
All the students who have submitted a clearance form from signed by all the departments are eligible to take the transcripts.
Transcripts are issued at any time on request received from students after payment of required fees.
Q: What is a provisional Certificate?
A: A Provisional certificate is the certificate containing the successful completion of the graduation requirement by the student. It is issued to serve an interim purpose before the award of the degree on the graduation ceremony. The provisional certificate is valid for 1 year from the date of issue. It will be issued one month after publishing the results of the final term examination every semester.
Q: How can I obtain a duplicate copy of the degree certificate?
A: Duplicate copy of the degree is issued only to the students whose degree is lost/damaged due to any unfortunate circumstance.
Q: What is progression and retention policy?
A: Progression is an indication of the semester wise academic progress of the student based on successful completion of qualitative and quantitative requirement in each semester, failing which, the student is retained in the semester and is not allowed to progress to the next semester as per academic standing policy.
Q: What is graduation requirement?
A: a) Masters’ Degrees
(i) A Masters’ degree student must register for a minimum of 36 units (including 6 units of dissertation), and a maximum of 46 units (including 6 units of dissertation)
(ii) To qualify for the award of a Masters’ degree, each student must:
- Present a well-researched seminar paper
- Write, under supervision, a dissertation not exceeding 45,000 words in a length on a research topic approved by the School of Postgraduate Studies (SPGS) on the recommendation of his/her Department.
- Pass a minimum of 30 units, including those earned from all compulsory courses and the Masters’ dissertation, and
- Obtain an aggregate score of 50% of CWAS in 30 units, including those earned from the Masters’ dissertation.
b) Master of Philosophy (M.Phil) and Doctorate (Ph.D.) Degrees
To qualify for the award of a Doctorate degree, each candidate must:
- Undertake coursework in their core area of specialization, in accordance with the NUC Benchmark/Minimum Academic Standards for postgraduate programmes (NUC PGMAS) in Nigerian University;
- Score at least 50% in the M.Phil or Ph.D. coursework in order to be awarded M.Phil or Ph.D. degree;
- Within twelve months of first registration, produce and defend a Thesis proposal before an assessment panel made up of the Postgraduate teachers in his/her Department with the Head of Department as Chairman;
- Present two well-researched and publishable seminar papers on topics of his/her own choice in his/her general area of specialization from the Ph.D. research and;
- Produce under supervision and successfully defend viva-voce a Thesis not exceeding 90,000 words in length and making original contributions to knowledge on a research topic approved by Senate on the recommendation of his/her Department and the Postgraduate School in that order;
- Recommended for graduation by the University’s SPGS and Administration Department.
Q: Where can I get information about Skyline University Nigeria (SUN)?
A: SUN counselors are available from 9AM to 6PM, Monday through Fridays on +234 8181111113. You can log on to our website- for more information. You can also find interactives with human interface via any of our social media platforms.
Q: Is SUN an extension of Skyline University College (SUC), Sharjah?
A: No, SUN is a distinct university of its own and was set up with the unique purpose of meeting all international quality academic needs of every aspiring African student. SUN only leverages the articulation agreement it has with SUC to help SUN students experience the same international academic dimensions obtainable in the best universities anywhere in the globe within Africa.
Q: Are SUN programmes accredited?
A: Yes, SUN is approved and its courses accredited by NUC. NUC is the university standards setting and accreditation body in Nigeria. They ensure courses offered by SUN meets international standards.
Q: How do I make my payment(s)?
A: You can make your payment through any convenient online payment platforms or through direct cash payment into any of our designated bank accounts as you will find below:
Name of Account: Skyline University Nigeria
Account Number: 0032350283
Bank: Unity Bank Plc
Branch: Nassarawa Branch, Kano.
Bank Name: Zenith Bank,
Account No.: 1015931840
Account Type: Skyline University Nigeria limited.
Evidence of payment such as teller or other payment receipt with an in-print of the student's name plus ID number must then be sent as an attachment via our designated portal platform. To confirm receipt, student must receive delivery acknowledgement email from SUN.
Q: How long does it take for SUN to provide an international student a VISA?
A: If all the documents are complete and the fee has been deposited as per the fee structure. It normally takes one month from the time of visa fee payment and all the documentation is complete.
Q: Are degrees offered by SUN acceptable for Transfer of Credits (TOC) to other local universities within Nigeria and internationally?
A: Yes, SUN degrees are acceptable for TOC to other universities within and even outside Nigeria.
Q: What are the SUN campus resources?
A: SUN campus is well equipped with learning and extracurricular resources like: classrooms with audio-visual equipment, smart boards, computer labs, printing & photocopy centre, portal services, cafeteria services, hostel, library, wireless services, multipurpose hall, first-aid services, football & volleyball pitch, basketball, badminton, lawn tennis courts, common room with football, table tennis and snooker.
Q: What are the list of departments in SUN?
A: Academics; Administration, Registration & Examination Department; Student Service Department (SSD); Human Resource Department (HRD); Library; Computing (IT) Department; Marketing Department; Finance Department; Sports, Institutional Research & Quality Assurance (IRQA) Department; Media and Communication Department (MCD), Corporate Affairs Office (CAO); Maintenance Department; Centre for Continuing Learning (CCL).
Q: What is an academic year and what is the duration of a postgraduate degree?
A: Academic year at SUN comprises of Fall and Spring semesters. The duration of the Postgraduate degree (M.Sc.) is two (2) Academic Sessions, and Postgraduate Ph.D. is three (3) Academic sessions.
Q: What is a provisional/conditional admission, and if I am admitted how soon will I get confirmation?
A: Students will be placed on provisional/conditional admission due to the following reason and the student has to submit the documents within First Semester.
- Academic Transcript
Q: What are the admission requirements for Postgraduate Programmes?
A: 1.1 General Admission Requirements:
To be considered for admission into any postgraduate programme of SUN the applicant shall:
(i) Satisfy the general University requirements as well as any special requirements for admission into the programme of interest
(ii) Complete the application form on the University portal and ensure that the information submitted are accurate
(iii) Provide all relevant documents, including certificates of degrees and/or diplomas, academic transcripts, reference letters etc. as specified on the application form
(iv) Request and ensure that all institutions attended process and forward official academic transcripts (undergraduate and/or postgraduate) to the School of Postgraduate Studies (SPGS). Transcripts must be received directly from the applicant’s institution
(v) Provide the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) discharge, exemption or exclusion certificate if s/he is a Nigerian citizen.
1.2 Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) Programme
To be considered for admission into the Postgraduate diploma (PGD) programme, an applicant shall have:
(i) Bachelor’s degree, not less than Third-Class division in the same or related discipline from SUN or a university recognized by the Senate
(ii) Bachelor’s degree with at least Second-Class lower division in an unrelated discipline may be considered
(iii) Higher National Diploma (HND) with a minimum of Lower Credit
(iv) Applicants with relevant professional qualifications may be considered. In addition, a candidate shall obtain Credit passes in at least five (5) subjects, including English Language and Mathematics, at O’Level examination of WAEC/NECO/NABTEB.
1.3 Master’s Degree Programme
To be considered for admission into Master’s (MBA. and M.Sc.) degree programmes of SUN, an applicant shall have:
(i) Bachelor’s degree in relevant discipline with at least Second-Class lower division from SUN or any other university recognized by the Senate
(ii) Postgraduate diploma (PGD) with a minimum CGPA of 3.5 in addition to a Bachelor’s degree (minimum of Third-Class division) or HND (minimum of Lower Credit) in a relevant discipline
(iii) Applicants with relevant professional qualifications such as ACA, ICAN, ACIB, etc., who do not have either B.Sc. degree or HND, would need to obtain the relevant PGD before applying for the professional Master’s programme of the University such as MBA.
1.4 Ph.D. Degree Programme
To qualify for admission into the Ph.D. degree programme of SUN, an applicant shall possess:
(i) Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees [B.Sc. & M.Sc.] in the relevant discipline obtained from SUN or any other university recognized by the Senate
(ii) Applicants with CGPA of 3.50 on a 5.0-Point scale or equivalent in the Master’s programme will be eligible for Ph.D. programme
(iii) Applicants with less than 3.50 CGPA on a 5.0-Point scale or equivalent in their Master’s programme will be eligible for an MPhil/Ph.D. programme
(iv) Applicants with professional Master’s degrees shall not be eligible for direct Ph.D. programmes but however may be considered for an MPhil/Ph.D. programme if found worthy by the SPGS.
Q: What is the status of SUN Postgraduate programmes, and what SPGS courses can I take?
A: SUN secured approval from NUC to commence the following postgraduate programmes effective 2023/2024 Academic Session. These programmes are currently offered at SUN under SPGS:
M.Sc. Economics | Ph.D. Economics |
M.Sc. Entrepreneurship | Ph.D. Entrepreneurship |
M.Sc. International Relations and Diplomatic Studies | Ph.D. International Relations |
M.Sc. Mass Communication | Ph.D. Mass Communication |
M.Sc. Management | Ph.D. Management |
M.Sc. Forensic Accounting | Ph.D. Accounting |
Master of Business Administration (MBA) | |
M.Sc. Microbiology | Ph.D. Microbiology |
M.Sc. Biochemistry | Ph.D. Biochemistry |
M.Sc. Computer Science | Ph.D. Computer Science |
M.Sc. Software Engineering | Ph.D. Software Engineering |
Other courses are underway pending approval and accreditation by NUC. If you will like us to add any particular course in the future, please send us your suggestions:
Q: What is the MAJOR means of communication between students or prospective students and SUN?
A: SUN communicates students and intending students in English Language through their provided email addresses concerning any matter of importance that requires their attention. Follow-up SMSs are usually sent to prospective students who have provided their contact numbers and/or details.
Q: What Scholarships and waivers are available at SUN?
A: SUN is a socially responsible organization and therefore offers academic, sports and need-based scholarships to deserving local & international students. SUN offers scholarships through various state and national scholarship boards, private secondary schools, NGOs and embassies for allocation of scholarship funds to encourage academically sound but financially weak students to pursue their higher education.
Q: How are student performance score cards accessed?
A: Student results are accessible via their registered account on the SUN portal. Each student have his/her password and can log in from anywhere. Parents can always peep into their ward’s performance by requesting the concerned student to allow them access to their portal.
Q: Does SUN offer special assistant to special needs of students, or students with special need?
A: SUN believes everyone deserve access to quality education and is open to give extra attention to students who are physically challenged (provided the school was officially informed prior to admissions or right after the student experience the limitation(s)).