Corporate Affairs

The Corporate Affairs Office (CAO) is responsible for building long term relationships with government & corporate establishments for mutual benefits and partnerships, which get into Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and includes the following collaborations: Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES); Placements of Skyline University Nigeria (SUN) Students after graduation; Guest Lectures & Technical Visits; Participation in Management Development Programmes (MDPs); Local and International Conferences; Schools and Universities Educational Fairs; Curriculum Enhancement; Students Industrial Inputs; Industry Professional Trainings; Panel Discussions and Community Development programmes. CAO also engages in identifying the Industrial Training needs and knowledge, skills & competencies expected from students to enhance employability.
CAO engages with top international universities & polytechnics offering HND programmes by signing MOUs and articulation agreements to promote cooperation in various activities like faculty and student exchange programmes, community engagement, international SIWES, collaborative research and project works etc.
The goals of CAO are to:
- Create brand awareness of SUN among Multinational Corporations (MNCs), governments & emirate councils
- Enter into agreement with universities & polytechnics by signing MOUs and articulations
- Provide SIWES placements and networking opportunities for SUN students
- Enhance industry technical visits, symposium, guest lectures, CEO lecture series and academic summits for SUN students
- Enhance embassy & consulate MOUs
- Promote the Centre for Continuing Learning (CCL) and Management Development Programmes (MDP) for industry training.
- Enhance the reputation of the university externally and internally, and develop/maintain the university's corporate image and brand awareness by reinforcing its positioning in the Nigerian market through its activities
- Coordinating and implementing a university-wide systematic, comprehensive, technology driven placement system designed to locate, attract and retain the students aiming to serve for their higher education
- Arrange career fairs, career counseling, placement drives, HR networks, CEO lecture series, technical visits, corporate guest lectures, participation in exhibitions, HR round table forums etc.
- Develop constructive and cooperative working relationships with academic, government affiliates and corporates through maintaining good communication and networking. This includes Signing MOUs with corporate organizations and academic institutional partners both in Nigeria and abroad
- Stand as a custodian of SUN brand and its corporate identity. CAO accomplishes this through the coordinated efforts of the following departments:
- VC Office
- Director of Marketing and Communications (DOMC) Office
- Student Services Department (SSD)
- Media and Communications Department (MCD)
- Sports Department
- Administration Department
- IT Department
- Centre for Continuing Learning (CCL)
- Marketing & Communications Department
These departments/units work in a holistic manner to provide a coherent and balanced service to the SUN community and all external stakeholders
6. Assist in promoting boot camps and short course programmes under CCL to potential government, corporate & academic organizations. These programmes are both short-term and long-term, and primarily serves to enhance the professional capabilities of individuals/groups in sustaining market challenges
7. Coordinate and engage with the Institutional Research and Quality Assurance (IRQA) Office in conducting and preparing programme reviews, feedback of syllabi; both from academic partners and potential employers of our graduates. Furthermore, it includes feedback of current graduating students for SIWES internship and placement opportunities, feedback from employers, companies and institutions where our graduates are currently placed. These services are done for quality purposes and develops articulation with universities, maintaining records, and for providing feedback mechanism for the internal management of the university and external stakeholders
8. Corporate visits to identify main corporate individuals and organizations with a determination to run partnership. This helps to create jobs and SIWES internship opportunities for SUN students/graduates to locate themselves in reputable organizations, both in Nigeria and abroad. Moreover, it also helps to communicate university wide degree programmes and short courses for the partner organizations
9. Represent SUN for major industry events and education exhibitions
10. CAO identifies universities of repute across the globe, including focus on 2+2 programme with SUN and exploring possibilities to work together for mutual benefits in terms of articulation agreements.
- Live projects for students
- Arrange international internship on merit bases
- Meet the CEO series
- Student Exchange Programmes
- Foreign language training centre
- Encourage students to network by attending seminars/conferences
- Encourage students to visit exhibition and trade fairs
- Participation of students in international conferences.
The internship programme of SUN assists students to work and learn in professional environments, getting them prepared for embarking on employment careers. Internships facilitate students to be able to apply the knowledge gained in classrooms to work settings. This process enriches student learning experiences and helps them transit into the work world.
CAO coordinates with the corporate world and identifies internship opportunities for the School of Business and School of Information Technology students.
CAO gives placement assistance to all the students of SUN. Any student who is enrolled in the programmes offered by SUN is automatically eligible for these placements. The focus is 100% placement assistance for SUN students.
The Corporate Affairs department in SUN has established articulation agreements with various universities/polytechnics in Canada, UK, USA, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Nigeria, Pakistan, Jordan etc., which facilitates the faculty and students exchange programme.
CAO facilitates students to develop networking with the corporate world by providing them an opportunity to participate in various summits and conferences in Kano, Abuja, Lagos and Dubai, which will help students to network. The students will be oriented on the importance and approaches of networking and the desirable etiquettes during the event.
CAO coordinates to corporate and extend invitation to the President/CEO of the organization to attend the prestigious SUN event: the “CEO LECTURE SERIES” and provide a lecture on specific topics which are discussed internally. The CEOs identified for this event are generally the heads of the organization having responsibility of the entire operations of the organization, and have given their consent to deliver a lecture.
SCOPE: It is a brand-building exercise by associating with the super brands and inviting the celebrated CEOs of the organization. The event brings a lot of valuable insights and leadership lessons for the students and the academia.
CAO will send a request letter to the VC/Faculty members on the plan for Industry Visits in the beginning of the semester. The CAO will act upon the request sent by DASS/Faculty members to get the confirmation of the technical visit of the intended organization. DASS/Faculty members should send the request mail in the beginning of the semester stating the plan industry for technical visits required.
The CAO Student Events Division will be responsible for creating a vibrant and friendly environment in the university by involving students in extracurricular and social activities. The division will plan and organize inter-university activities and external events allowing students to get exposure and improve their skills. It is also responsible for maintaining an active Clubs & Committees dedicated to the interests of SUN students. The SUN Clubs & Committees aims to provide interest-based both academic and non-academic activities for students to fulfill leadership roles on campus.
The Corporate Affairs Office (CAO) also engages with the universities worldwide by signing MOUs/Articulation Agreements to promote cooperation in various activities like Faculty/Students Exchange Programme, Community Engagement, International Internship, Collaborative Research and Project Work etc.
SUN Corporate Affairs Office (CAO) Contact Persons:
Mr. Umar Farouk Ismail
Corporate Affairs Supervisor.
Mr. Tijani A. Tajuddeen
Corporate Affairs Assistant.
Q: Does SUN provide summer SIWES?
SUN has a well-established CAO having a dedicated team of professionals who work round the year to facilitate the processes of SIWES and placements for their students.
Q: When do Students undertake SIWES?
Students undertake the SIWES programme in the Fall and Spring semesters depending on when they got admission. Undergraduate students of the various schools are expected to run SIWES for a period of 6 months.
Q: Does SUN have onboard recruitment partners?
Yes, the CAO of SUN is associated with a large number of corporate houses that visit the campus for recruitment. Many of them have signed MOUs for various engagements including SIWES and final placements.
Q: What kinds of companies are students placed?
The students of SUN will be placed in various sectors like: retail, hospitality, finance, tourism, banking, real estate, logistics, information system, computing etc.
Q: Where are the interviews held?
Mostly, the interviews are held either on campus or sometimes at the company premises. Prior intimation via mail is usually sent and confirmed for the same.
Q: Do the students get a stipend during SIWES?
It depends on the organizations some pay and some do not pay.
Q: Do the students get opportunities for pre-placement offers?
The SIWES tenure offers an ideal opportunity for the company to evaluate the caliber and suitability of the student for placement. If the company is convinced about the value addition that the student brings to the company, it may offer a Pre-Placement Offer (PPO) of employment to the student after the completion of the course. Alternately, the company may make a special note to earmark high performing students when they eventually come to the campus for placement.
Q: Do students get any help for placements?
Yes, the CAO dedicate placement assistance to all students looking for placements. It regularly conducts career fairs for the current students.
Q: Can I get more than one placement?
Once placed, you’d have to follow the queue till the time others before you get placed.
Q: I am an international student, do I get an opportunity for placement?
YES, you get an equal opportunity for placement.
Q: Will I get opportunities to meet employers?
Yes. There are many occasions where students get to meet potential recruiters. CAO regularly invite people from industries for round table conferences, international conferences, guest lectures and business meet. Students can also network by participating in various seminars, summits and global conferences through SUN.
Q: How does SUN prepare its students for the interviews?
CAO organizes Professional Development & Corporate Training (PDCT) for students of SUN. The said Programme is aimed at preparing students to meet industry requirements. The purpose is to make students more employable, so that they can own up to the challenges lying ahead in industries.
Q: How can students benefit from articulation agreements?
CAO of SUN establishes articulation agreements with various universities and polytechnics in Nigeria, Ghana, UK, USA, etc., which facilitates faculty and student exchange programmes. Within the student, exchange programmes can qualify students for international SIWES, get eligible for international educational tours, and go for technical visits to foreign countries.
Q: What is the role of CAO?
CAO engages with industry, government organization, autonomous bodies to develop long term relations with SUN, and foster relationships for establishing mutually beneficial activities such as community engagement activities and project works, that benefit the society at large.
Q: How can students network with corporates?
CAO facilitates students to develop networks with the corporate world by providing them opportunities to participate in various summits and conferences in Kano, Abuja, Lagos and Dubai, CEO lecture series, round table conferences etc.
Q: What is SIWES?
The SIWES programme of SUN assists students to work and learn in professional environments, and also get prepared for embarking on employment careers. SIWES facilitates students to apply the knowledge gained in classrooms to the work/job life. This process enriches student learning experience and helps them transit into the work world.
Q: How can students get SIWES assistance from CAO?
The CAO coordinates with corporates and identifies SIWES opportunities for SUN students studying various undergraduate programmes in the various schools of SUN.
Q: Which is the right department to contact for placements?
CAO gives placement assistance to all the students of SUN. Any student who is enrolled in any of the programmes offered by SUN is automatically eligible for the placements. The focus is 100% placement of SUN students.
Q: Do we have career fairs in SUN?
CAO organizes career fairs for SUN students. The career fairs are planned in the first weeks of January and May of each year.
Q: Who is responsible for signing MOUs/articulation agreements with the universities?
CAO establishes coordinates and signs articulation agreements with various universities /polytechnics in Nigeria, Ghana, UK, USA etc., to facilitate the faculty and student exchange programmes etc.
Q: What is Professional Skills Development Programme (PSDP)?
The PSDP Programme is aimed at preparing students to meet industry requirements. PSDP classes are conducted for developing personality traits, communication skills, interpersonal skills, and time management for the business environment. The development is initiated at the end of freshmen level till the students graduate. The PSDP includes: goal setting, resume writing and interview handling. The purpose is to make students more employable, so that they can suitably handle challenges that lay ahead in industries.
Q: How active is the alumni club?
SUN graduates automatically become SUN alumni. The present students of SUN form part of SUN alumni club, which organizes alumni events and activities regularly in the academic year. The orientation is given to final year students during spring semester, briefing them about the various benefits of becoming an integral part of SUN alumni body once they graduate.