Skyline University Nigeria

Guest Lecture Series

Freshmen Orientation; Skyline University Nigeria hosts School Principal and Proprietor for Guest Lectures

In continuation of its new students orientation program, Skyline University Nigeria (SUN) has invited some school principal and proprietor to speak to new students on important skills and values that can efficiently guide their higher education careers. The Principal of Prime College and proprietress of Asha International School delivered engaging sessions to students on the 31st of October 2023 and the 1st of November 2023, on the campus of SUN.

In her welcoming addresses, the Director of Academic Support Services (DASS), Ms. Sarada Maganti, said the guest lecture sessions are very vital for students personal development and career success. She highlighted that value-based education, one of the pillars upon which SUN thrives, recognizes the sharing of knowledge and experience from experts, which is why it initiated guest lectures.

Presenting her paper titled ‘Passion Versus Research’, the Principal of Prime College, Ms. Alpana Mishra, said it is very important for beginners to understand and identify their passion for their chosen career. She added that research is what supports passion in whatever career one selects and the two will guide one’s path to success forever. She highlighted some case studies of how youth misplaced their priorities and lost focus due to a lack of understanding between passion and research.

Ms. Mishra then advised the new students to always assess their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in whatever they are pursuing in life. She also congratulated them for embarking on higher education, an important phase in their lives.

On her part, the proprietress of Asha International School, Barrister Aisha Salisu Umar, expressed that she was overwhelmed with excitement to talk to the students after receiving the invitation. While making her presentation on the topic ‘Time Management’, she said time is a very precious element that must be judiciously utilized in one’s life. She admitted how her journey from law to education was informed by time.

She advised the students to be efficient and always prepare reading schedules ahead of assessments and examinations. Planning, class participation, journaling and study skills will collectively determine your success or otherwise, she added.

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