Higher education is always a tough endeavour that requires stern and resilient attention. It is not always a fun and engaging experience as tertiary education’s main aim is knowledge production. With this students who are not so much exposed to tough environments for learning find it difficult to cope with the realities of learning at higher levels.
For some students who are pursuing careers in a science discipline, they find some sort of ease by enjoying their practical classes. They get to learn from one another in an environment that is a bit different from the classroom setup. At laboratories, they get to work with chemicals and scientific apparatus and learn from their classmates.
On another hand, students who study courses that are in some art disciplines or social sciences, find it quite hard to derive joy in learning. However, with the rise of the creative industry, some students get to display their talent in creative activities like stage performances such as drama, singing and spoken word performances among others. More so social media has offered myriads of opportunities for youths to become famous online personalities and many more.
But, fun learning stays on the minds of youth forever. It offers an opportunity for students to build lifelong sustainable networks right from undergraduate times. Upon graduation, some ambitious students can upgrade their networks to start a business. This goes a long way in solving problems of unemployment, especially in third-world countries like Nigeria.
Some of the ways that can make higher learning fun and engaging include the use of technology, use of real-world applications, project-based learning, storytelling, field trips, visual aids, videos, etc. These techniques can be used together or separately to achieve maximum benefits for students. Moreover, they can allow students to be a part of teaching their counterparts which also helps them to discover their hidden talents of public speaking, problem-solving and communication which are instrumental to their personal growth.
Skyline University Nigeria (SUN) launched its ultramodern common room and where students are opportune to have fun after thorough classroom sessions. During lectures, students halls are equipped with smart boards where they get to access real time experiences through the words of experts from around the world.