You have undoubtedly worked hard to submit your university application and passed your JAMB as well as your post-UTME examinations. It’s been a while now since you’ve been waiting for an admission list. For the next few weeks, you may have the anxiety of waiting as matriculation/orientation time gets closer.
It’s a dream you’ve had for a while and you’re finally closer to making it happen. It may seem like an easy process making the admission list but you’ve put in so much studying time and felt the stress of going through the examination process. It’s normal to feel a little nervous and stressed before you know your admission status. As the days go by, unlike your peers whose names were published on the first batch admissions list, you are yet to receive any news of possible admission. Your admission is being delayed.
It’s easy to become an application-status stalker as you count down the days until you know if you are accepted or rejected. This waiting period can also be put to effective use. A little guidance about what to do can help you manage the situation. So until the university admission list is out with your names boldly written, here are some answers to what you can do differently.
Inquire about your admissions status
You should call the admissions office to double-check. Each year, you get people who applied for admissions when admissions are open but never followed through, even when a follow-up call has been made. Some candidates waited to call back after the admissions are already closed to ask if they have been admitted or rejected.
Have a backup plan
The university admissions process is a curious game filled with anxiety and unpredictable outcomes. Every year in Nigeria, thousands of students find themselves faced with the seemingly unthinkable: getting rejected from every school to which they have applied. You shouldn’t wait to find yourself in this unfortunate situation after your university application. Have a second and third option for your admission. You can also see if a private university is open to an appeal process, or seek out universities with late and/or open admissions.
Get your mind engaged in productive activities & pray
While waiting for admissions, there are other productive activities you can do to keep a positive spirit. Jobs not only bring in extra money, but they also teach you important lessons and give you experience for the future. Having a job can be extremely rewarding during the waiting period. You can also use the time to learn a new skill – using the internet or learning a new trade like sewing, baking, etc. You’ll feel more independent (and maybe a lot better while you wait for the admission to come through).
Best of Luck!